Console.log: Difference between revisions

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Rem console.log
Rem console.log

console.log("This is a logging message")
'go to next form without transition
Function Form1_onhide()
  MsgBox "Old Form Hidden"
End Function
Function Form2_onshow()
  Msgbox "Show form " &
End Function

Revision as of 10:56, 8 October 2013



Console.log outputs text to the debugger's console. If you run your app with the debugger's console window open, you can see the message as your program runs. This is useful for tracing program execution, checking variable's value during execution and for timing.

Here are related console commands:

console.assert(expression, object) If the specified expression is false, the message is written to the console along with a stack trace
console.clear() Clears the console.
console.count(label) Writes the the number of times that count() has been invoked at the same line and with the same label.
console.debug(object [, object, ...]) Same as console.log.
console.dir(object) Prints a JavaScript representation of the specified object.
console.dirxml(object) Prints an XML representation of the specified object.
console.error(object [, object, ...]) Similar to console.log, but includes a trace().[, object, ...]) Starts a new logging group with an optional title
console.groupCollapsed(object[, object, ...]) Creates a new logging group that is initially collapsed
console.groupEnd() Closes the most recently created logging group. [, object, ...]) Same as console.log.
console.log(object [, object, ...]) Output a string or variable to the log.
console.profile([label]) Starts a JavaScript CPU profile with an optional label.
console.profileEnd() Stops the current JavaScript CPU profiling session and outputs to Profile panel.
console.time(label) Starts a new timer with an associated label.
console.timeEnd(label) Stops the timer with the specified label and prints the elapsed time.
console.timeStamp([label]) Puts an entry in the Debugger Timeline.
console.trace() Shows a stack trace. See what function you are coming from.
console.warn(object [, object, ...]) Similar to console.log, but with a warning label.

Example (Basic)

Rem console.log

console.log("This is a logging message")

Example (JavaScript)

//ChangeForm sample call

//go to next form without transition

Form1.onhide = function() {
  alert("Old Form Hidden");

Form2.onshow = function() {
  alert("Show form " +;


(msgbox showing "Old Form Hidden")

(msgbox showing "Show form Form2")

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