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Line 63: Line 63:
| vbDDslashMMslashYY || 9 ||  || 2013-06-04  
| vbDDslashMMslashYY || 9 ||  || 2013-06-04  
| vbYYYYhyphenMMhyphenDD || 10 ||  || 00:00
| vbYYYYhyphenMMhyphenDD || 10 ||  || 2013-10-30

Revision as of 15:37, 30 October 2013

FormatCurrency(expression[, fractionaldigits[, leadingdigit[, parensfornegative[, groupdigits]]]])

FormatDateTime(date[, formatname])

FormatNumber(expression[, fractionaldigits[, leadingdigit[, parensfornegative[, groupdigits]]]])

FormatPercent(expression[, fractionaldigits[,leadingdigit[, parensfornegative[, groupdigits]]]])


FormatCurrency, FormatNumber, and FormatPercent return a string obtained by formatting the given expression as a currency, number, or percent. The required parameter, expression, is any valid expression of the given type.

The optional parameter, fractionaldigits, is a numeric expression representing the number of digits to print after the decimal. The default is -1 which uses the system settings.

The optional parameters, leadingdigit, parensfornegative, and groupdigits, are tristate values. See table below.

leadingdigit specifies whether a leading zero is printed for numbers with only fractional parts.

parensfornegative specifies if negative values are to be printed with enclosing parentheses.

groupdigits specifies if numbers are to be printed in groups using the systems group delimiter.

Tristate values

Name Value Description
True -1 True
False 0 False
TriStateUseDefault -2 Use system settings

FormatDateTime returns a string obtained by formatting a date. The required parameter, date, is any valid expression that represents a date. The optional parameter, formatname, is a numeric expression or constant that specifies how the date is formatted.

formatname constants

Constant Value Description Sample
vbGeneralDate 0 Short date, Long time 6/04/2013 00:05:57 PM
vbLongDate 1 Long date Tuesday, June 4, 2013
vbShortDate 2 Short date 6/04/2013
vbLongTime 3 Long time 00:05:57 PM
vbShortTime 4 Short time 17:57
vbYYYYMMDD 5 20130604
vbDDdotMMdotYY 6 04.06.13
vbDDdotMMdotYYYY 7 04.06.2013
vbYYslashMMslashDD 8 13/06/04
vbDDslashMMslashYY 9 2013-06-04
vbYYYYhyphenMMhyphenDD 10 2013-10-30

The following are also allowed as format name: "DD.MM.YY", "DD.MM.YYYY", "DD/MM/YY", "DD/MM/YYYY", "DD-MM-YY", "DD-MM-YYYY", "DDMMYY", "DDMMYYYY", "YY.MM.DD", "YYYY.MM.DD", "YY/MM/DD", "YYYY/MM/DD", "YY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYMMDD", "YYYYMMDD", "MM.DD.YY", "MM.DD.YYYY", "MM/DD/YY", "MM/DD/YYYY", "MM-DD-YY", "MM-DD-YYYY", "MMDDYY", "MMDDYYYY",

Example (Basic)

Rem Format Functions 
Dim UseDefault
Print FormatCurrency(-3.5, -1, TristateUseDefault, True)
Print FormatCurrency(123456, 0,True, False, True)
Print FormatDateTime(Now)
Print FormatDateTime(Birthdate, vbLongDate)
'General Numbers
Print FormatNumber(-0.1429, 6,False)
Print FormatNumber(987654.321, 3, True, False, True)
Print FormatPercent(0.007, 2, False)
Print FormatPercent(1234.56, 0,True, False, False)

Example (JavaScript)

NSB.Print(FormatCurrency(-3.5, 2, 0, true));
NSB.Print(FormatCurrency(123456, 2, true, false, true));


8/18/1998 10:44 PM
August 18, 1998
(sample output is system dependant)