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== Windows Phone Validation ==
== Windows Phone Validation ==
NS Basic Comments
Get Started Folder
the app on the windows phone and the android phone responded exactly like on PC But there were a few exceptions:
on the android phone it doesn't show that the button has been pressed.
So on the windows phone and on PC it shows that the button has been pressed:
but on the android phone it doesn't. The button just looks the same as when its unpressed:
This seems to be the case for all other buttons on the android phone so far. It was evident in this particular sample project because the buttons "stay pressed" for 60 seconds.
2- helloWorldJapanese
Appstudio stops working when I try to open this project
3- Two Forms:
on the windows phone switching between forms doesn't happen smoothly as on the pc and the android phone
Features folder:
1- Accelerometer:
on the windows phone it works fine it just gets confusing because the screen keeps rotating (but I'm guessing the sample program just doesn't prevent screen rotation?)
on the android phone the weirdest thing happens :O the ball goes in the opposite direction to the tilt. so lets say I tilted the phone to the right, the ball goes to the left!
2-Audio Video
the windows phone says unsupported audio type or invalid path for the audio but the video works fine.
the android phone runs both audio and video files but the volume control does not appear on the audio player (but it does appear on the pc)
3-Change form background image
works the same way on pc, android, windows phone but a message box that says error does appear in all 3 and I'm not sure what the error is for since the program does what it says it does in the description.
Update: error still appears in all 3.
4- Base64Image
doesnt work. even on PC.
the webpage sends this message instead:
5- Busy indicator
the  error box appears as well as the start and stop buttons but the busy indicator doesn't appear (thats for on the phones and the web browser on the pc). the indicator does appear in NS basic and its moving and all!
also this time on the android phone when pressing start/stop the buttons do appear pressed (highlighted).
6- Camera
The camera works on the android phone but I had to erase a lot of pictures from my phone cuz it said there was no enough memory. I did have a lot of pictures on my phone so I think that's okay. However I tried emailing the picture to myself and I received it in the form of of a very very long string...
<img src=" .... etc (its so long)
on the windows phone  the camera doesn't work.
7- Sansation Font:
windows phone does not display sansation font
8- Date Time
they each use a different format. Not sure if that's the automatic format on each device or what?
the pc uses dashes for the date, 12-hour system
the android uses backslashes '/', 12-hour system
windows phone uses dashes and 24 hour system
9- Dialog:
android button is not highlighted when pressed
10- Format Date Time
the windows phone flashes in grey when I scroll up or down
11- HTML view
works fine on both phones. But the map is just a picture?
12- HTML view Call Function
Not sure what is supposed to happen when I click the text? but all 3 devices behave in the same way
13-  iHearVoices
Works fine on android but doesn't work on windows :O
Also a man's voice speaks on the PC and a woman's voice speaks on the android phone (at the same pitch) haha
14- iOS7
on the PC a date and time picker shows up (so like a calendar showing the current month and up/down arrows for the time)
on the android phone a different  date and time picker shows up (the same one that shows up when I'm setting an alarm/event on my phone so I guess this works fine) Also time includes seconds
on the windows phone the full keyboard appears, so no date and time pickers appears.
15- MinecraftSim
the gif image is runs smoothly on the pc. It lags a lot on the android and it lags a lot more on the android. But I think this just has to do with the processing speed of each device... so yeah
16- Northwind
works fine on android
it says SQLite is not supported on the windows phone
17- On Gesture
not working on both phones.
18- Orientation
Works on android. Doesn’t work on the windows phone. When the screen rotates no warning message appears.
19- PictureBox
On both phones, draw, text and image buttons work.
On the android: the spin button causes the picture to flip upside down the first time the button is clicked. The second time onwards, clicking spin causes the whole picture box to move to the right.
On the windows phone the spin button doesn’t make the picture box flip upside down… clicking on it repeatedly just causes the picture box to move to the right.
20- Picture Box Scroll and Zoom
Android phone: I’m able to zoom in. But once I lift my fingers off the screen the picture moves so that I’m zoomed in on the left, bottom corner of the picture. And while zoomed in, I’m only able to scroll up and down (and not to the sides so I’m not able to see the rest of the picture).
Windows phone: zooming doesn’t work
21- Play Sound
Works on android. No sound plays on the windows phone (volume set to max)
22- Popup Form
works fine on both phones. just like on PC. But the error box STILL appears on the android phone, not sure why.
23- Print
PC and both phones behave in the same way: when I click Print first, a window pops up with the current date and time written on it. If I click print again. the window pops up with the current date and time on it. And so on..
then when I click Print Custom the Mario Picture pops up. Now when I click on Print again the Mario Picture pops up with the current date written underneath it.
so basically the button Print does not show a Mario’s picture until I’ve clicked on the Picture Custom button at least once.
24- Scrolling File
Android: the up/down scrolling is fine. But on some lines, the text extends beyond the box borders and I’m not able to scroll sideways to read the rest of the sentences.
Windows: As I scroll up, the visible portion of the box keeps decreasing until I’m unable to see any text! it’s messed up.
25- Scrolling Form
Android: works like the PC except on the pc every time I switch between radio buttons or check/uncheck checkboxes a messagebox pops up. On the phone no messageboxes pop up.
Windows phone: works just like the PC. There’s a little problem though. When I press on any control (checkbox/radiobutton/footerbar/etc) an area about 1 cm below the control becomes highlighted in grey (then disappears once I lift my finger).
Also on both the windows phone and android phone, sometimes I’m unable to scroll down. So like the screen doesn’t move and I have to try scrolling down repeatedly before it moves.
26- Signature Capture
Doesn’t work on windows phone.
Works on android but let’s say I try to write to separate letters. So I’m done writing the first letter, lift my finger off the screen and then start writing the second letter. It connects the last point on the first letter to the first point on the second letter with a straight line. The error box still appears.
27- Split View
the app is not fit to screen so I’m not able to see both halves of the screen at the same time. So I try to scroll sideways...
Android: I’m unable to scroll sideways smoothly when the phone is in an upright position. But I am able to scroll sideways easily when I rotate the phone screen.
Windows phone: I’m unable to scroll sideways at all. I can only scroll up and down.
28- Sprite
Works well on android. Mario stops once he reaches the edge of the screen so I’m able to see all his moves. I tried the app while the phone is sideways and while its in an upright position and it works fine.
Windows phone: Mario moves outside the bounds of the screen. He only appears for a few seconds gliding across the screen from the bottom edge of the screen to the right edge. I don’t get to see him spin or anything as he exits the screen before he starts spinning.
29- SQLite sample 1
Windows: it says SQLite not supported
Works on android.
30- SQLite sample 2
Windows: SQLite not supported
On android it behaves in the same way as it does on the PC. (But I think it’s not working properly on the PC because there’s a grid and no data appear on the grid when I click create or showNext.. etc).
31- SQLite sample 3
Windows: SQLite not supported
Android: behaves as on the PC.
32- Wait Cursor
Works fine on both phones. the error box still appears on the android phone. not sure why.
33- Print a Form
Loads the form on both phones.
Windows: only lets me scroll up/down not sideways
Android: can’t scroll in any direction!
also on PC when I click on the little calendar icon at the top left corner of the form, the computer prepares the form to be printed. On the android form when I click on that icon the form just disappears and the app returns to the initial form. On the windows phone when I click on the icon, the icon itself disappears and I’m just unable to scroll in any direction. (Do phones need to be set up? I never printed anything directly from my phone.)
Controls - jQuery Mobile
1- AutoComplete
works well on both phones.
2- Button
Works well on both phones. The error box still appears on the android phone.
3- Custom Icon
Works well on both phones. but the error box still appears on the android phone.
4- Flip Toggle
Works well on both phones. but the error box still appears on the android phone.
Okay the error box always appears on the android phone for some reason. I’m just going to write comments on the apps that have issues other than that.
5- Kitchen Sink
On the windows phone in the Slider and Select section. When I open the drop down menu to select a month, I can’t scroll down all the way to 12. same with the days dropdown menu. Same issue on the android phone.
In the grid section, I can’t scroll up and down the grid as smoothly as I can on the android phone. It lags a little on windows.
On both phones, when I click on the grid a messagebox with the cell number pops up. The slider that is used to scroll up and down the grid appears on top of the messagebox!
In the multimedia section, on the windows phone the audio doesn’t work. Also, the scrolling file (with the year datatype description) has the same issues as in the sample app Scrolling File (#24, features folder).
no error box.
6- Pop up
Works fine on both phones. error box appears on android. Just cleared cache.
7- Theme Roller
Works well on both phones. The error box appears on android.
8- Tool Tip
Works well on both phones. yet the error box appears on android.
Controls - jqWidgets
1- Button
works well on both phones. Error box on android. Also the Link button doesn’t look the same on both phones.
android windows
2- Chart
I’m unable to scroll in any direction on both phones. But since the android phone screen is bigger I was able to click the Show Chart button and the chart appears like it appears on PC, But again I’m unable to scroll sideways to see the rest of it. Also the error box appears.
On the windows phone I’m unable to scroll and thus unable to reach the button.
3- ChartJS
Same issue on android as in the sample app Chart above.
On windows, the button is positioned higher in this app so I am able to reach it without scrolling. The chart is drawn but not as smoothly as it is drawn on the android phone or PC.
4- CheckBox
Trying to deploy this app on PC causes NS Basic not to respond for a minute. Then opens the deployment link but the older version of CheckBox (the only from the jQuery Mobile Controls folder) is the one that gets opened on the browser, which means that the app hasn’t been deployed.
5- Color Picker
Android: works well but error box appears
Windows: the picker doesn’t work. I’m able to see the colors gradient, I’m able to switch between hue and saturation but unable to pick a color.
6- Drag Drop
Works on android but error box appears.
Doesn’t work on windows. I’m unable to drag the text.
7- Grid
Works on android but error box appears
Select row 3 works on windows but I’m unable to scroll down to see if a new row has been added when I click Add Row
8- Grid with Buttons
Works on android, error box appears.
No message boxes pop up on windows when I click any of the buttons.
9- Grid Northwind
Windows: SQLite not supported
Android: Error box appears. loads okay. All the information are there. But scrolling is hard. It is slow. Also, the top blue drop down menus drop down slower that they do on PC. Also, for some reason, I’m unable to scroll sideways only in the suppliers grid.
10- Input
Works on android. error box appears.
The top textbox works on Windows. But the bottom one doesn’t O.o when I typed t I got no suggestions. Also, when I tried to edit the text in it, I’m only able to add text to the beginning of the string, it is not letting me move the cursor to the end of the string O.o
11- ListBox
Works on android. but the infamous error box still appears.
Doesn’t work on windows. It is not letting me scroll down, make a selection, or even switch to multiple selections mode.
12- Menu
Works on android. error box appears. the menus overlap which is fine because they overlap on PC. But on PC the button about us is visible, whereas on android, the button about us is below the other menu so I’m unable to click it.
The menus and buttons arrangement looks exactly like the PC’s. However, I’m only able to click on the Products dropdown menu. The rest of the buttons are not clickable. Its like they’re just text. so when I click on Home for example, the word home gets selected but no button is pressed.
13- Photo Gallery
Start/Stop slideshow works on both phones. However, manually swiping through the gallery only works on android not on Windows. The error box appears on the android phone.
14- Radial Gauge
Works well on android. But again the error box appears.
Windows: I’m able to move the slider but the gauge doesn’t move.
15- Rating
Works well on both phones. error box appears on android.
16- Switch Button
Works on android, error box appears. On PC though, when the button is on the OFF state its blank. On android it reads OFF. how?
The switch button is not moving on windows.
17- Tabs
Works on BOTH phones! error box on android.
18- Menu
On windows, I’m able to only select the visible items since I am unable to scroll up/down.
Works on android, but error appears.
19- Two Forms
Works well on android. Error box appears.
Works on windows.
Tutorials and Labs
The following apps work on both phones, but an error box appears on android:
Input Two Numbers, Lab Controls Solution, Lab features, select control, Students local storage, tutorial 2, tutorial 3, tutorial 4, tutorial 10.
1- Lab Features solution:
error box on all 3 devices. and I get this error message when trying to open or deploy the sample app from the pc:
android: everything works except for Compass. It does not appear.
Windows: the camera doesn’t work. But I can choose an Emoji. The compass doesn’t work. I also get a message that SQLite is not supported. Detecting location seems to work to an extent as I get a message from the phone asking for permission to detect my location. But I don’t know if it works correctly, because I get a temperature reading of 14.97. Saving doesn’t work.
Also on both phones the weather readings sometimes keep fluctuating. Right now it got to 29.27.
2- Lab Fix solution
is this just about fixing some syntax errors? or are the controls also supposed to work? cuz they don’t.
3- Lab Library Solution
Again I get this error
The error box appears on all 3 devices.
On android the compass doesn’t work. The data loaded this time for Toronto are a lot more realistic (temperature 9 degrees)
Windows: compass and camera don’t work. The good news is, when I used current location, I get the exact same readings as the ones I got on the android phone. Saving does not work. When I click save, The save box stays highlighted for a while. And I don’t get the “Saved!” message box. The saves tab is empty.
4- Lab Local Storage Solution
same error
Error box appears on all 3 devices.
android: compass doesn’t work but camera and saving do.
Windows: compass, camera and saving do not work. got realistic readings right away.
5- Lab Multimedia Solution
Again same error message when deploying/opening the sample app
Error box appears on all 3 devices.
Windows: audio doesn’t work. Video works.HTML view works.
Android: audio control appears but doesn’t work. Video works. HTML view works.
6- Lab Rotation Solution
I get this message. Error box appears on all 3 devices. I get the same weather readings on both phones. Except on android the temperature has like 10 0’s to the right of the decimal point then followed by 27. So the temperature reads 14.9700000000027 whereas on windows it just reads 14.97.
Windows: SQLite not supported. Camera and compass don’t work. Saving does not work. I don’t get the “saved” message box and I can’t find any saved data under saves tab.
Android: Camera works and Saving. Compass doesn’t work.
Also the readings keep fluctuating.
7- Lab SQLite solution
Error message on all 3 devices.
I get the same error message as above.
Windows: SQLite not supported. Weather data loads. Compass doesn’t work. Camera doesn’t work. Ok when I press on the camera button it becomes highlighted and stays like that, but nothing happens afterwards. Saving doesn’t work
Android: had to click on load multiple times before I got some readings. Camera works. But saving doesn’t work. I get this message:
8- Lab Twitter Solution
Error box appears on all 3 devices.
The error message about the compass appears.
I’m not sure where the twitter fee
Android: everything works except for compass. When I browse the saves tab, I see all the previous saves I made from previous similar apps. This is the case for all previous apps, not just this one.
Windows: SQLite not supported. Compass, camera and saving do not work. When I click on the saves tab, for a split second there appears to be previous entries but then they disappear.
Where is the twitter feed?
9- Lab Weather Solution
error box appears on all 3. The message box warning about the compass does not appear. The cloud picture does not appear on any of the devices (I can only see it in NSB).
No data is loaded. It looks like all the buttons in this app are not programmed.
10- Multiple Forms
Android: error box appears. I entered my name, month and day, but left the year as default. When I clicked on the button Show Day of Week, the year portion of the date appeared as undefined, which means that the app thinks that no year was chosen.
Windows: works like on android.
11- Student Drop Box / Student drop box file
I get this error when trying to log in..
But I think that’s because I’m not deploying the app correctly. When I first open the app, I get the a message saying that the app must be deployed to to work correctly. How do I do that?
12- Students SQLite
windows: SQLite not supported. so it doesn’t work.
android: error box. works.
A note: This applies to all apps in all folders: the windows phone always displays an “updating - please wait…” message before an app loads, whereas on android the apps load right away.
Web Services:
1- Adsense
Works on android exactly like on PC. On Windows, I get a message asking me to use Chrome or safari. But then it loads the same screen as the android.
2- Ajax, AjaxAsync
works on both phones. Error box DOES NOT appear on android!
3- Ajax Get Web File
On android.. I got a message saying that the website is not trusted when loading the app! On both phones, pressing on the button Get File gives “undefined” message in the textbox. error box appears on android
4- Ajax Log
error box appears on android.
works on both phones
5- Ajax Post
I get this message on all 3 devices:
also, the error box appears on android.
6- AppStudio Cloud
same issue as the app Student Drop box (#11, Tutorials Folder)
7- Bar Code
Error box appears on android. I downloaded pic2shop. The scan button works, the correct bar code number appeared on the textbox below the buttons. The button get pic2shop opens a link in iTunes, but maybe it should open the play store on android?
Windows: downloaded and installed pic2shop on the windows phone. The scan button also works, and the correct bar code number appears on the textbox. But I do get a message asking me to use chrome or safari or firefox.. etc.
8- Camera to Server
Windows: doesn’t work. When I click on “browse” nothing happens.
Android: error box appears at the beginning. When I click on “Choose file”, I get to choose an app: Camera, Camcorder, voice recorder, music track. So I choose camera and after I take a picture, it does not appear on the app screen and I get an error box instead.
9- Drop Box App
Same error as the sample app Student Drop Box (#11, tutorials folder)
10- Email Skype Phone SMS
Android: error box appears. Email, sms, and phone work. But Skype doesn’t. I get this:
windows: email and phone work. For sms and skype, it asks me if I want to find an app in the store for these tasks.
11- Facebook
android: error box appears. When I press on get Facebook info, I get info from what appears to be Christiano’s FB profile. Then I change the name to mine and click on Get FB info but I don’t get any results. The text in the info textbox doesn’t change.
Windows: does not work:
12- Formspree
android: error box appears. I put in my name and email and click on Email info above so it redirects me to this page:
I check my email, and nothing got sent to me. Not the message I wanted to send myself nor a confirmation email either. Same with windows.
13- Geolocation
Android: works. But error box appears at the beginning
Windows: the data load, but not the map. Longitude and latitude match on both phones, but speed and accuracy don’t.
14- Get data:
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
15- Get IP address:
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
16- Google Maps
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
17- Google Maps APIv3
works on both phones. error box appears on android. It is also slower on the windows phone than on android.
18- Paypal
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
19-  Read Files
there’s a problem with this sample app on the computer.
I get this message infinitely. So every time I click Ok, I get the same message again and the app itself never loads.
20- RSS feed
it works on PC but not on the phones
I just get this
21- SAP Data
No data appears on all 3 devices
22- SAP Bank
Doesn’t work on all 3 devices. I just get this but no data ever load.
23- Send Data
Android: the error box appears. In the description of the app it says send form and get a reply, but I don’t get a reply.
On windows, it is not working. It asks me to use Chrome, safari or another supported browser.
24- Send Mail
works, but error box appears on android.
25- Stock Quote
looks like it works. Not sure what stock quotes should look like.
error box appears on anroid.
26- Text to speech
Doesn’t work on android. error box appears
windows: when I click speak, it asks me if I want to open or save the file, I choose open but I get a message that it can’t play the file.
27- Twitter
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
28- Upload
on windows when I click “browse” it lets me choose between Photos and Phone. In photos I can choose any photo from the gallery. On phone I can see all the photos, music, videos folders. I chose a photo. The app is only displayed on half the phone screen for some reason, so I had to scroll down to press on the Upload button. I got a messagebox confirming that the upload was successful. However, when I clicked on the files tab on the header, this is what I found:
On android: Choose file gives me a choice between Camera, camcorder, voice recorder and music tracks. None of which are file browsers! so I’m unable to choose a file to upload. Under Files, the same problem occurs as on windows. error box appears at the beginning.
29- Web Sockets
Works on both phones. error box appears on android.
30- Youtube
works on both phones. error box appears on android.
1- Home Screen
Works on android. But my home screen was full. so it added it to the next screen. But it took me to the home screen to see where the app should have been places. So maybe it should take me to the screen where the app has been added?
On windows: the message with instructions on how to add the phone to my home screen does not appear at all. Also on windows, it is called pinning to start not adding to home screen.. I pinned it to start and it took me to where the app has been placed.
2- Chrome API
doesn’t work on chrome. I just get a blank screen on android and on PC.
3- Encrypt
on both phones it encrypts but doesn’t decrypt
error box appears on android
4- jqPlot
doesn’t work on android. I just get a black border on the screen. error box also appears.
On windows I only see a part of the graph but I’m unable to scroll sideways to see the rest of it, or up/down to see the second graph.
5- jqPlot example:
android: error box appears. Graph appears and I get coordinate readings when I click on a point.
Windows: works too.
6- Phone Gap API
I need to compile this with Phone Gap for it work. Will skip this for now.
7- Pixastic
android: problem with choosing file. my choices are using camera and voice recording apps instead of a file browser. So can’t choose a file. When I do take a picture, it doesn’t appear on the screen. Instead, I get an error box.
windows: app loads with a picture already chosen and displayed. Works well on windows, even when I take a new picture instead of choosing an existing picture from the photo gallery.
8- Shake
Android: error box appears. Nothing happens when I shake the phone.
Nothing happens when I shake the windows phone either.
9- Spinning Wheel Get Date
works on android. But error box appears.
Does not work on windows. The spinning wheel does not appear.

Revision as of 10:47, 26 May 2014

Windows Phone Validation

NS Basic Comments Get Started Folder the app on the windows phone and the android phone responded exactly like on PC But there were a few exceptions:

1-Benchmark: on the android phone it doesn't show that the button has been pressed. So on the windows phone and on PC it shows that the button has been pressed:

but on the android phone it doesn't. The button just looks the same as when its unpressed:

This seems to be the case for all other buttons on the android phone so far. It was evident in this particular sample project because the buttons "stay pressed" for 60 seconds.

2- helloWorldJapanese Appstudio stops working when I try to open this project

3- Two Forms: on the windows phone switching between forms doesn't happen smoothly as on the pc and the android phone

Features folder:

1- Accelerometer: on the windows phone it works fine it just gets confusing because the screen keeps rotating (but I'm guessing the sample program just doesn't prevent screen rotation?) on the android phone the weirdest thing happens :O the ball goes in the opposite direction to the tilt. so lets say I tilted the phone to the right, the ball goes to the left!

2-Audio Video the windows phone says unsupported audio type or invalid path for the audio but the video works fine. the android phone runs both audio and video files but the volume control does not appear on the audio player (but it does appear on the pc)

3-Change form background image works the same way on pc, android, windows phone but a message box that says error does appear in all 3 and I'm not sure what the error is for since the program does what it says it does in the description. Update: error still appears in all 3.

4- Base64Image doesnt work. even on PC. the webpage sends this message instead:

5- Busy indicator the error box appears as well as the start and stop buttons but the busy indicator doesn't appear (thats for on the phones and the web browser on the pc). the indicator does appear in NS basic and its moving and all! also this time on the android phone when pressing start/stop the buttons do appear pressed (highlighted).

6- Camera The camera works on the android phone but I had to erase a lot of pictures from my phone cuz it said there was no enough memory. I did have a lot of pictures on my phone so I think that's okay. However I tried emailing the picture to myself and I received it in the form of of a very very long string... <img src=" .... etc (its so long) on the windows phone the camera doesn't work.

7- Sansation Font: windows phone does not display sansation font

8- Date Time they each use a different format. Not sure if that's the automatic format on each device or what? the pc uses dashes for the date, 12-hour system the android uses backslashes '/', 12-hour system windows phone uses dashes and 24 hour system

9- Dialog: android button is not highlighted when pressed

10- Format Date Time the windows phone flashes in grey when I scroll up or down

11- HTML view works fine on both phones. But the map is just a picture?

12- HTML view Call Function Not sure what is supposed to happen when I click the text? but all 3 devices behave in the same way

13- iHearVoices Works fine on android but doesn't work on windows :O Also a man's voice speaks on the PC and a woman's voice speaks on the android phone (at the same pitch) haha

14- iOS7 on the PC a date and time picker shows up (so like a calendar showing the current month and up/down arrows for the time) on the android phone a different date and time picker shows up (the same one that shows up when I'm setting an alarm/event on my phone so I guess this works fine) Also time includes seconds on the windows phone the full keyboard appears, so no date and time pickers appears.

15- MinecraftSim the gif image is runs smoothly on the pc. It lags a lot on the android and it lags a lot more on the android. But I think this just has to do with the processing speed of each device... so yeah

16- Northwind works fine on android it says SQLite is not supported on the windows phone

17- On Gesture not working on both phones.

18- Orientation Works on android. Doesn’t work on the windows phone. When the screen rotates no warning message appears.

19- PictureBox On both phones, draw, text and image buttons work. On the android: the spin button causes the picture to flip upside down the first time the button is clicked. The second time onwards, clicking spin causes the whole picture box to move to the right. On the windows phone the spin button doesn’t make the picture box flip upside down… clicking on it repeatedly just causes the picture box to move to the right.

20- Picture Box Scroll and Zoom Android phone: I’m able to zoom in. But once I lift my fingers off the screen the picture moves so that I’m zoomed in on the left, bottom corner of the picture. And while zoomed in, I’m only able to scroll up and down (and not to the sides so I’m not able to see the rest of the picture). Windows phone: zooming doesn’t work

21- Play Sound Works on android. No sound plays on the windows phone (volume set to max)

22- Popup Form works fine on both phones. just like on PC. But the error box STILL appears on the android phone, not sure why.

23- Print PC and both phones behave in the same way: when I click Print first, a window pops up with the current date and time written on it. If I click print again. the window pops up with the current date and time on it. And so on..

then when I click Print Custom the Mario Picture pops up. Now when I click on Print again the Mario Picture pops up with the current date written underneath it.

so basically the button Print does not show a Mario’s picture until I’ve clicked on the Picture Custom button at least once.

24- Scrolling File Android: the up/down scrolling is fine. But on some lines, the text extends beyond the box borders and I’m not able to scroll sideways to read the rest of the sentences. Windows: As I scroll up, the visible portion of the box keeps decreasing until I’m unable to see any text! it’s messed up.

25- Scrolling Form Android: works like the PC except on the pc every time I switch between radio buttons or check/uncheck checkboxes a messagebox pops up. On the phone no messageboxes pop up. Windows phone: works just like the PC. There’s a little problem though. When I press on any control (checkbox/radiobutton/footerbar/etc) an area about 1 cm below the control becomes highlighted in grey (then disappears once I lift my finger). Also on both the windows phone and android phone, sometimes I’m unable to scroll down. So like the screen doesn’t move and I have to try scrolling down repeatedly before it moves.

26- Signature Capture Doesn’t work on windows phone. Works on android but let’s say I try to write to separate letters. So I’m done writing the first letter, lift my finger off the screen and then start writing the second letter. It connects the last point on the first letter to the first point on the second letter with a straight line. The error box still appears.

27- Split View the app is not fit to screen so I’m not able to see both halves of the screen at the same time. So I try to scroll sideways...

Android: I’m unable to scroll sideways smoothly when the phone is in an upright position. But I am able to scroll sideways easily when I rotate the phone screen.

Windows phone: I’m unable to scroll sideways at all. I can only scroll up and down.

28- Sprite Works well on android. Mario stops once he reaches the edge of the screen so I’m able to see all his moves. I tried the app while the phone is sideways and while its in an upright position and it works fine. Windows phone: Mario moves outside the bounds of the screen. He only appears for a few seconds gliding across the screen from the bottom edge of the screen to the right edge. I don’t get to see him spin or anything as he exits the screen before he starts spinning.

29- SQLite sample 1 Windows: it says SQLite not supported Works on android.

30- SQLite sample 2 Windows: SQLite not supported On android it behaves in the same way as it does on the PC. (But I think it’s not working properly on the PC because there’s a grid and no data appear on the grid when I click create or showNext.. etc).

31- SQLite sample 3 Windows: SQLite not supported Android: behaves as on the PC.

32- Wait Cursor Works fine on both phones. the error box still appears on the android phone. not sure why.

33- Print a Form Loads the form on both phones. Windows: only lets me scroll up/down not sideways Android: can’t scroll in any direction! also on PC when I click on the little calendar icon at the top left corner of the form, the computer prepares the form to be printed. On the android form when I click on that icon the form just disappears and the app returns to the initial form. On the windows phone when I click on the icon, the icon itself disappears and I’m just unable to scroll in any direction. (Do phones need to be set up? I never printed anything directly from my phone.)

Controls - jQuery Mobile

1- AutoComplete works well on both phones.

2- Button Works well on both phones. The error box still appears on the android phone.

3- Custom Icon Works well on both phones. but the error box still appears on the android phone.

4- Flip Toggle Works well on both phones. but the error box still appears on the android phone. Okay the error box always appears on the android phone for some reason. I’m just going to write comments on the apps that have issues other than that.

5- Kitchen Sink On the windows phone in the Slider and Select section. When I open the drop down menu to select a month, I can’t scroll down all the way to 12. same with the days dropdown menu. Same issue on the android phone. In the grid section, I can’t scroll up and down the grid as smoothly as I can on the android phone. It lags a little on windows. On both phones, when I click on the grid a messagebox with the cell number pops up. The slider that is used to scroll up and down the grid appears on top of the messagebox! In the multimedia section, on the windows phone the audio doesn’t work. Also, the scrolling file (with the year datatype description) has the same issues as in the sample app Scrolling File (#24, features folder). no error box.

6- Pop up Works fine on both phones. error box appears on android. Just cleared cache.

7- Theme Roller Works well on both phones. The error box appears on android.

8- Tool Tip Works well on both phones. yet the error box appears on android.

Controls - jqWidgets 1- Button works well on both phones. Error box on android. Also the Link button doesn’t look the same on both phones.

android windows

2- Chart I’m unable to scroll in any direction on both phones. But since the android phone screen is bigger I was able to click the Show Chart button and the chart appears like it appears on PC, But again I’m unable to scroll sideways to see the rest of it. Also the error box appears. On the windows phone I’m unable to scroll and thus unable to reach the button.

3- ChartJS Same issue on android as in the sample app Chart above. On windows, the button is positioned higher in this app so I am able to reach it without scrolling. The chart is drawn but not as smoothly as it is drawn on the android phone or PC.

4- CheckBox Trying to deploy this app on PC causes NS Basic not to respond for a minute. Then opens the deployment link but the older version of CheckBox (the only from the jQuery Mobile Controls folder) is the one that gets opened on the browser, which means that the app hasn’t been deployed.

5- Color Picker Android: works well but error box appears Windows: the picker doesn’t work. I’m able to see the colors gradient, I’m able to switch between hue and saturation but unable to pick a color.

6- Drag Drop Works on android but error box appears. Doesn’t work on windows. I’m unable to drag the text.

7- Grid Works on android but error box appears Select row 3 works on windows but I’m unable to scroll down to see if a new row has been added when I click Add Row

8- Grid with Buttons Works on android, error box appears. No message boxes pop up on windows when I click any of the buttons.

9- Grid Northwind Windows: SQLite not supported Android: Error box appears. loads okay. All the information are there. But scrolling is hard. It is slow. Also, the top blue drop down menus drop down slower that they do on PC. Also, for some reason, I’m unable to scroll sideways only in the suppliers grid.

10- Input Works on android. error box appears. The top textbox works on Windows. But the bottom one doesn’t O.o when I typed t I got no suggestions. Also, when I tried to edit the text in it, I’m only able to add text to the beginning of the string, it is not letting me move the cursor to the end of the string O.o

11- ListBox Works on android. but the infamous error box still appears. Doesn’t work on windows. It is not letting me scroll down, make a selection, or even switch to multiple selections mode.

12- Menu Works on android. error box appears. the menus overlap which is fine because they overlap on PC. But on PC the button about us is visible, whereas on android, the button about us is below the other menu so I’m unable to click it. The menus and buttons arrangement looks exactly like the PC’s. However, I’m only able to click on the Products dropdown menu. The rest of the buttons are not clickable. Its like they’re just text. so when I click on Home for example, the word home gets selected but no button is pressed.

13- Photo Gallery Start/Stop slideshow works on both phones. However, manually swiping through the gallery only works on android not on Windows. The error box appears on the android phone.

14- Radial Gauge Works well on android. But again the error box appears. Windows: I’m able to move the slider but the gauge doesn’t move.

15- Rating Works well on both phones. error box appears on android.

16- Switch Button Works on android, error box appears. On PC though, when the button is on the OFF state its blank. On android it reads OFF. how? The switch button is not moving on windows.

17- Tabs Works on BOTH phones! error box on android.

18- Menu On windows, I’m able to only select the visible items since I am unable to scroll up/down. Works on android, but error appears.

19- Two Forms Works well on android. Error box appears. Works on windows.

Tutorials and Labs

The following apps work on both phones, but an error box appears on android: Input Two Numbers, Lab Controls Solution, Lab features, select control, Students local storage, tutorial 2, tutorial 3, tutorial 4, tutorial 10.

1- Lab Features solution: error box on all 3 devices. and I get this error message when trying to open or deploy the sample app from the pc:

android: everything works except for Compass. It does not appear. Windows: the camera doesn’t work. But I can choose an Emoji. The compass doesn’t work. I also get a message that SQLite is not supported. Detecting location seems to work to an extent as I get a message from the phone asking for permission to detect my location. But I don’t know if it works correctly, because I get a temperature reading of 14.97. Saving doesn’t work. Also on both phones the weather readings sometimes keep fluctuating. Right now it got to 29.27.

2- Lab Fix solution is this just about fixing some syntax errors? or are the controls also supposed to work? cuz they don’t.

3- Lab Library Solution Again I get this error

The error box appears on all 3 devices. On android the compass doesn’t work. The data loaded this time for Toronto are a lot more realistic (temperature 9 degrees) Windows: compass and camera don’t work. The good news is, when I used current location, I get the exact same readings as the ones I got on the android phone. Saving does not work. When I click save, The save box stays highlighted for a while. And I don’t get the “Saved!” message box. The saves tab is empty.

4- Lab Local Storage Solution same error

Error box appears on all 3 devices. android: compass doesn’t work but camera and saving do. Windows: compass, camera and saving do not work. got realistic readings right away.

5- Lab Multimedia Solution Again same error message when deploying/opening the sample app

Error box appears on all 3 devices. Windows: audio doesn’t work. Video works.HTML view works. Android: audio control appears but doesn’t work. Video works. HTML view works.

6- Lab Rotation Solution

I get this message. Error box appears on all 3 devices. I get the same weather readings on both phones. Except on android the temperature has like 10 0’s to the right of the decimal point then followed by 27. So the temperature reads 14.9700000000027 whereas on windows it just reads 14.97. Windows: SQLite not supported. Camera and compass don’t work. Saving does not work. I don’t get the “saved” message box and I can’t find any saved data under saves tab. Android: Camera works and Saving. Compass doesn’t work. Also the readings keep fluctuating.

7- Lab SQLite solution Error message on all 3 devices. I get the same error message as above. Windows: SQLite not supported. Weather data loads. Compass doesn’t work. Camera doesn’t work. Ok when I press on the camera button it becomes highlighted and stays like that, but nothing happens afterwards. Saving doesn’t work Android: had to click on load multiple times before I got some readings. Camera works. But saving doesn’t work. I get this message:

8- Lab Twitter Solution Error box appears on all 3 devices. The error message about the compass appears. I’m not sure where the twitter fee Android: everything works except for compass. When I browse the saves tab, I see all the previous saves I made from previous similar apps. This is the case for all previous apps, not just this one. Windows: SQLite not supported. Compass, camera and saving do not work. When I click on the saves tab, for a split second there appears to be previous entries but then they disappear. Where is the twitter feed?

9- Lab Weather Solution error box appears on all 3. The message box warning about the compass does not appear. The cloud picture does not appear on any of the devices (I can only see it in NSB). No data is loaded. It looks like all the buttons in this app are not programmed.

10- Multiple Forms Android: error box appears. I entered my name, month and day, but left the year as default. When I clicked on the button Show Day of Week, the year portion of the date appeared as undefined, which means that the app thinks that no year was chosen. Windows: works like on android.

11- Student Drop Box / Student drop box file I get this error when trying to log in..

But I think that’s because I’m not deploying the app correctly. When I first open the app, I get the a message saying that the app must be deployed to to work correctly. How do I do that?

12- Students SQLite windows: SQLite not supported. so it doesn’t work. android: error box. works.

A note: This applies to all apps in all folders: the windows phone always displays an “updating - please wait…” message before an app loads, whereas on android the apps load right away.

Web Services: 1- Adsense Works on android exactly like on PC. On Windows, I get a message asking me to use Chrome or safari. But then it loads the same screen as the android.

2- Ajax, AjaxAsync works on both phones. Error box DOES NOT appear on android!

3- Ajax Get Web File On android.. I got a message saying that the website is not trusted when loading the app! On both phones, pressing on the button Get File gives “undefined” message in the textbox. error box appears on android

4- Ajax Log error box appears on android. works on both phones 5- Ajax Post I get this message on all 3 devices:

also, the error box appears on android.

6- AppStudio Cloud same issue as the app Student Drop box (#11, Tutorials Folder)

7- Bar Code Error box appears on android. I downloaded pic2shop. The scan button works, the correct bar code number appeared on the textbox below the buttons. The button get pic2shop opens a link in iTunes, but maybe it should open the play store on android?

Windows: downloaded and installed pic2shop on the windows phone. The scan button also works, and the correct bar code number appears on the textbox. But I do get a message asking me to use chrome or safari or firefox.. etc.

8- Camera to Server Windows: doesn’t work. When I click on “browse” nothing happens. Android: error box appears at the beginning. When I click on “Choose file”, I get to choose an app: Camera, Camcorder, voice recorder, music track. So I choose camera and after I take a picture, it does not appear on the app screen and I get an error box instead.

9- Drop Box App Same error as the sample app Student Drop Box (#11, tutorials folder)

10- Email Skype Phone SMS Android: error box appears. Email, sms, and phone work. But Skype doesn’t. I get this:

windows: email and phone work. For sms and skype, it asks me if I want to find an app in the store for these tasks.

11- Facebook android: error box appears. When I press on get Facebook info, I get info from what appears to be Christiano’s FB profile. Then I change the name to mine and click on Get FB info but I don’t get any results. The text in the info textbox doesn’t change. Windows: does not work:

12- Formspree android: error box appears. I put in my name and email and click on Email info above so it redirects me to this page:

I check my email, and nothing got sent to me. Not the message I wanted to send myself nor a confirmation email either. Same with windows.

13- Geolocation Android: works. But error box appears at the beginning Windows: the data load, but not the map. Longitude and latitude match on both phones, but speed and accuracy don’t.

14- Get data: works on both phones. error box appears on android.

15- Get IP address: works on both phones. error box appears on android.

16- Google Maps works on both phones. error box appears on android.

17- Google Maps APIv3 works on both phones. error box appears on android. It is also slower on the windows phone than on android.

18- Paypal works on both phones. error box appears on android.

19- Read Files there’s a problem with this sample app on the computer.

I get this message infinitely. So every time I click Ok, I get the same message again and the app itself never loads.

20- RSS feed it works on PC but not on the phones I just get this

21- SAP Data No data appears on all 3 devices

22- SAP Bank Doesn’t work on all 3 devices. I just get this but no data ever load.

23- Send Data Android: the error box appears. In the description of the app it says send form and get a reply, but I don’t get a reply. On windows, it is not working. It asks me to use Chrome, safari or another supported browser.

24- Send Mail works, but error box appears on android.

25- Stock Quote looks like it works. Not sure what stock quotes should look like. error box appears on anroid.

26- Text to speech Doesn’t work on android. error box appears windows: when I click speak, it asks me if I want to open or save the file, I choose open but I get a message that it can’t play the file.

27- Twitter works on both phones. error box appears on android.

28- Upload on windows when I click “browse” it lets me choose between Photos and Phone. In photos I can choose any photo from the gallery. On phone I can see all the photos, music, videos folders. I chose a photo. The app is only displayed on half the phone screen for some reason, so I had to scroll down to press on the Upload button. I got a messagebox confirming that the upload was successful. However, when I clicked on the files tab on the header, this is what I found:

On android: Choose file gives me a choice between Camera, camcorder, voice recorder and music tracks. None of which are file browsers! so I’m unable to choose a file to upload. Under Files, the same problem occurs as on windows. error box appears at the beginning.

29- Web Sockets Works on both phones. error box appears on android.

30- Youtube works on both phones. error box appears on android.

Libraries: 1- Home Screen Works on android. But my home screen was full. so it added it to the next screen. But it took me to the home screen to see where the app should have been places. So maybe it should take me to the screen where the app has been added? On windows: the message with instructions on how to add the phone to my home screen does not appear at all. Also on windows, it is called pinning to start not adding to home screen.. I pinned it to start and it took me to where the app has been placed.

2- Chrome API doesn’t work on chrome. I just get a blank screen on android and on PC.

3- Encrypt on both phones it encrypts but doesn’t decrypt error box appears on android

4- jqPlot doesn’t work on android. I just get a black border on the screen. error box also appears. On windows I only see a part of the graph but I’m unable to scroll sideways to see the rest of it, or up/down to see the second graph.

5- jqPlot example: android: error box appears. Graph appears and I get coordinate readings when I click on a point. Windows: works too.

6- Phone Gap API I need to compile this with Phone Gap for it work. Will skip this for now.

7- Pixastic android: problem with choosing file. my choices are using camera and voice recording apps instead of a file browser. So can’t choose a file. When I do take a picture, it doesn’t appear on the screen. Instead, I get an error box. windows: app loads with a picture already chosen and displayed. Works well on windows, even when I take a new picture instead of choosing an existing picture from the photo gallery.

8- Shake Android: error box appears. Nothing happens when I shake the phone. Nothing happens when I shake the windows phone either.

9- Spinning Wheel Get Date works on android. But error box appears. Does not work on windows. The spinning wheel does not appear.