NSB/App Studio programs run within a special version of a web browser. As a result, they can inherit a lot of the properties of the environment they run in. You can access these properties from within your app.
It is not a complete list: there are additional items in the full HTML documentation. In addition, some browsers may have additional members not shown here.
showMap is the name of a function in your program, which will be called by the above statement. It is passed a single parameter: an object with the following fields:
geolocation object members
location.coords.longitude | The current longitude of the device. GPS required. |
location.coords.latitude | The current latitude of the device. GPS required. |
location.coords.accuracy | The accuracy of the location. GPS required. |
For more information on Google Maps, read
REM Geolocation Function handler(location) Dim s Print "Longitude: " + location.coords.longitude Print "Latitude: " + location.coords.latitude Print "Accuracy: " + location.coords.accuracy s = "<img src='" & _ location.coords.latitude & "," & location.coords.longitude & _ "&zoom=14&size=300x200&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false'>" print s End Function navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(handler);
Longitude: -79.2098782 Latitude: 43.73776441 Accuracy: 100 (map of current location)