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TypeName returns a string specifying the type of a variable. The required parameter, variable, is any variable.

Table 24: TypeName return values

Return value Description
Boolean Boolean value
Currency Currency value
Date Date value
Double Double-precision floating-point value
Integer Integer value
Object Generic object
String String value
Array Array

Example (Basic)

Rem TypeName Example
'TypeName returns variable type as a string
Dim nInteger, nSingle
nInteger = CInt(44)
Print 44 & " is a/an " & TypeName(nInteger)
nSingle = CSng(99.44)
Print 99.44 & " is a/an " & TypeName(nSingle)

Example (JavaScript)

// TypeName Example
/* TypeName returns variable type as a string */

function TypeName(o) {
  var nameTypes= {
    '[object Array]'   : 'Array',
    'boolean'          : 'Boolean',
    '[object Date]'    : 'Date',
    'undefined'        : 'Empty',
    '[object Error]'   : 'Error',
    'number'           : 'Number',
    '[object null]'    : 'Null',
    'string'           : 'String'
  TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;

  if (nameTypes[typeof o] || nameTypes[TOSTRING.call(o)] || (o ? 'object' : 'null')=='Number') {
    if (o.toString().indexOf('.')>-1) { return 'Double'; } //JavaScript only deals with doubles, not singles
  if (o==null) { return 'Null'; }
  return nameTypes[typeof o] || nameTypes[TOSTRING.call(o)] || (o ? 'object' : 'null');

var nInteger, nSingle;
nInteger = parseInt(44);
NSB.Print((44) + " is a/an " + TypeName(nInteger));
nSingle = parseFloat(99.44);
NSB.Print((99.44)  + " is a/an " + TypeName(nSingle));


44 is a/an Integer
99.44 is a/an Double

Related Items

Is, VarType