Some Controls in depth

From NSB App Studio
Revision as of 19:44, 9 December 2013 by Ghenne (talk | contribs) (→‎Label)
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Controls are defined by their properties. The Label control is a simple control. Most of the properties for a control are set to default values when the control is created, so it is usable right away. Let's look at the options for customizing it.

  • align: left, center, right
    • alignVertical: top, center, bottom (no % or multiline)
    • backgroundColor: colors can be a name, #RRGGBB, rgb(R,G,B) or transparent
    • borderColor
    • borderStyle: solid, dotted, dashed, etc.
    • borderWidth: pixels
    • bottom: pixels, percent, auto
    • class: grayTitle default. Can be custom css.
    • color: Of the text
    • fontFamily: helvetica is default
    • fontSize: in pixels. 16 is the default.
    • fontStyle: normal, italic or oblique
    • fontWeight: normal, bold or a number
    • height
    • hidden: true or false
    • id: The name of the control.
    • left
    • onclick, etc: names of functions to be called when these events happen.
    • right
    • style: css style
    • textContent: The content of the label. HTML is OK!
    • top
    • width




