The FooterBar control puts up to 5 buttons on the bottom of the form. Buttons can be text, an icon or both. When clicked, <FooterBarID>_onclick(choice) is called. The name of the button which is called is in choice.
To add a control to your app, choose the control’s icon in the Toolbar, then position it on the Design Screen. Use the Property Editor to set the properties you need, then add functions to your code to respond to the events that come from the control: usually, just onclick.
Properties and Methods
Standard properties are supported, plus:
items | A list of names for the buttons, comma separated. |
iconPos | The position of the icon. Can be none, top, bottom, left, right or notext. |
icons | Names of icons for each button. 18 to choose from: alert, arrow-d, arrow-l ,arrow-r, arrow-u ,back, check, delete, forward, gear, grid, home, info, minus, plus, refresh, search, star. |
.refresh() | Runtime function. Call this after you display a new form with a FooterBar. |
Standard events are supported.
Function FooterBar1_onclick(choice) If TypeName(choice)="object" Then Exit Function MsgBox "Button is " & choice End Function FooterBar1.refresh()
(message box showing “Button is Gear” for the 4th button.)