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event.clipboardData.getData(type) event.clipboardData.setData(type, value)


ClipboardData lets you access the data on the clipboard. You can modify the data cut or copied to the clipboard, as well as data pasted from the clipboard. It can be used in Input, Textarea and Textbox controls in all frameworks. It is available in the event object passed to the oncopy, oncut and onpaste events.

Implementation of clipboard data is uneven across browsers. The examples here should work on all browsers. There are additional features which only work on some browsers. To see the current status of Clipboard API support on all browsers, see

The full specification of the Clipboard API is at

Properties and Methods

The following properties and events are supported, plus:

getData(type) Gets the clipboard data for type. type is usually "text/plain" or "text/html". The complete list of types is here.
setData(type, value) Put value on the clipboard with type of type.
oncopy(event) Called when the user copies from an input field.
oncut(event) Called when the user cuts from an input field.
onpaste(event) Called when the user pastes to an input field.

