RIGHT(string, length)
RIGHT returns a string containing a number of characters from the right end of a string. The required parameter, string, is any valid string expression. The required parameter, length, is any valid numeric expression, if length is 0, an empty string ("") is returned, if length is greater than the size of string, the entire string is returned.
REM RIGHT Example 'RIGHT returnssubstringfromstringrightend DIM Wendy, Eric Wendy = "Testaburger" Eric = "Cartman" PRINT "The RIGHT 6 of " & Wendy & ":", _ RIGHT(Wendy, 6) PRINT "The RIGHT 4 of " & Eric & ":", _ RIGHT(Eric, 4)
The RIGHT 6 of Testaburger:burger The RIGHT 4 of Cartman: tman
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