Lab Session: Hello World

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In this lab you will create a simple "Hello, world" style app.

Student Outline

  1. Start a new project.
  2. Add a TextArea and a Button to Form1.
  3. Paste the following text into the value property of the TextArea:
    Here is a simple Hello World app. Hit F5 in AppStudio to run it!
  4. Select Button1_onclick() from the click pulldown of Button1.
  5. Paste the following code into the function in the code window:
    NSB.MsgBox "Thanks for clicking!"
  6. Press F5 to run the program.
  7. Does it work properly?
  8. Save it, with your own program name.

Run it on a device

  1. Go into Preferences and set as above.
  2. Use "training" as the password.
  3. Deploy
  4. Load{yourProgramName'}
  5. It should run on your device!