Some Controls in depth

From NSB App Studio
Revision as of 21:52, 9 December 2013 by Ghenne (talk | contribs) (→‎Label)
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Controls make the visual elements of your app.

An app will have one or more forms. Each form will have a collection of controls on it, customized by you with different sizes and appearances.

In this section, we will see how to add controls and forms to an app.

Add controls to your app by dragging and dropping them into place. Then, resize and set the properties.

Let's look at some controls.


Controls are defined by their properties. The Label control is a simple control. Most of the properties for a control are set to default values when the control is created, so it is usable right away. Let's look at the options for customizing it.

align left, center, right
alignVertical top, center, bottom (no % or multiline)
backgroundColor colors can be a name, #RRGGBB, rgb(R,G,B) or transparent
borderStyle solid, dotted, dashed, etc.
borderWidth pixels
bottom pixels, percent, auto
class grayTitle default. Can be custom css.
color Of the text
fontFamily helvetica is default
fontSize in pixels. 16 is the default.
fontStyle normal, italic or oblique
fontWeight normal, bold or a number
hidden true or false
id The name of the control.
onclick, etc names of functions to be called when these events happen.
style css style
textContent The content of the label. HTML is OK!


autocapitalize Automatically capitalize first letter? May not be available on other platforms.
autocomplete Automatically complete words? May not be available on other platforms.
autocorrect Spellcheck as entering? May not be available on other platforms.
inputType Specifies what kind of data will be input. Choices are color, date, datetime, email, file (iOS 6+ and Android 4+ only), hidden, month, number, password, range, search, tel, text, time and url. Default is text.
password Text to be displayed in the field just as a comment – does not change the value.
placeholder Text to be displayed in the field just as a comment – does not change the value.
readonly If set to “True”, the control cannot be edited. At runtime, use readOnly.
size Maximum characters allowed.
text The contents of the TextBox. Same as value.
value The contents of the TextBox. This is always returned as a string. Convert it to a number before doing arithmetic on it – see “Conversions”.



