Button (Bootstrap)
Buttons can be clicked on by users to initial actions.
By setting the appearance, buttons can have different colors.
Properties and Methods
Standard properties are supported, plus:
appearance | Appearance of the alert. Can be success, info, warning, danger. |
badge | Adds a Badge to the alert. |
blocklevel | Make the button full width of parent? |
ChangeForm | id of the form to change to if clicked. Optional. |
grouping | Is this button part of a group? Choices are No, Start Horizontal, Start Vertical, Middle and End. |
groupStyle | The styling to apply to the entire group. |
icon | Icon to put at right of control from the Glyph set. Examples: remove, ok. Optional. http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons |
size | The size of the button. Can be large, medium, small or extra small. |
value | The title of the button. Design time or runtime. |
Standard events are supported. For this control, the onclick event will be most useful.
Example (Basic)
Function Button1_onclick() MsgBox "You can display a message or take other action when clicked" End Function
Example (JavaScript)
Button1.onclick = function() { NSB.MsgBox("You can display a message or take other action when clicked"); };