Resetting passwords

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Sometimes your users will forget their passwords. Other times, their passwords may need to be reset. Volt has functions to help you deal with this.

First, let's review what happens when a user forgets a password:

  1. In the login form, if the user can't remember the password, "Forget Password" is clicked.
  2. This sends a message to Volt to start the reset process.
  3. Volt sends an email to the user with a link to reset the password.
  4. The link is under your control: it's set in the Dashboard.
  5. The link opens your app to its password reset form.
  6. The new password information is sent to Volt to update the user's data.

The capability to reset passwords is disabled by default. You can enable it by setting your app's Reset URL in the Dashbaord.

Setting up the Dashboard

In the Dashboard, you can set the page in your app that handles user password resets. The special value {{token}} is replaced by an actual confirmation token that your app can use to reset the password. Confirmation tokens expire one hour after sending.

The sample string shown is a reasonable one:

  • /# - indicates you want to go to a page (form) in your app.
  • /reset - specifically, the reset form.
  • {{token}} - substitute the reset token here. This will be passed back to Volt later to authenticate the reset.

Forgotten Passwords

To ask Volt to reset a forgotten password, you can call the $volt.auth.forgot() function to start the process.

The syntax of the function is:

$volt.auth.forgot(email, appId, callback)

  • email - string, required. The email address of the user.
  • appId - string, optional. The Volt ID of the app to sign into. If not supplied, defaults to value set in $volt.init(appId).
  • callback - function(error, data), required. The function in your app to call when the request to Volt is complete (or fails).
  butSendResetPassword.onclick = function () {
    $volt.auth.forgot(inpEmail.value, butSendResetPasswordCallback);

  function butSendResetPasswordCallback(error, data) {
    if (error) {
      if (!data) {
        data = { message: 'Network Error' };
    } else {
      alert('An email is on its way to you.');
  Function butSendResetPassword_onclick()
    $volt.auth.forgot(inpEmail.value, butSendResetPasswordCallback)
  End Function

  Function butSendResetPasswordCallback(error, data)
    If (error) Then
      If (!data) Then data = { message: "Network Error" }
      MsgBox data.message
      MsgBox "An email is on its way to you."
    End If
  End Function

Resetting Passwords

Here's an email similar to what Volt will send to your user. If the link is clicked on, your app will open. Password resets expire after one hour.

 Click the link below to reset your password:
 If you didn't request a password reset, you can ignore this message.

The complete string will be in location.hash in your app. You'll want to show a form which looks something like this:

Once the user has filled in the new password and confirmation, you can send it to Volt using the $volt.auth.reset() function.

The syntax of the function is:

$volt.auth.reset(token, password, confirmation, callback)

  • token - string, required. The token in the URL.
  • password - string, required. The new password.
  • confirmation - string, required. The confirmation password. Should be the same.
  • callback - function(error, data), required. The function in your app to call when the request to Volt is complete (or fails).
  butResetPassword.onclick = function () {
    var queryParams = location.hash.split('/');

    $volt.auth.reset(queryParams[2], inpPasswordNew.value, inpPasswordConfirm.value, resetPasswordCallback);

  function resetPasswordCallback(error, data) {
    if (error) {
      if (!data) {
        data = { message: 'Network Error' };
    } else {
      alert('Password Updated.');
  Function butResetPassword_onclick()
    Dim queryParams
    queryParams = location.hash.split("/")

    $volt.auth.reset(queryParams[2], inpPasswordNew.value, inpPasswordConfirm.value, resetPasswordCallback);
  End Function

  Function resetPasswordCallback(error, data)
    If error Then
      If (!data) Then data = { message: "Network Error" }
      MsgBox data.message
      MsgBox "Password Updated."
    End If
  End Function

AppStudio Users

AppStudio includes a form called frmSignOn. If you include it in your app, forgot is built in. For resets, do the following:

  var queryParams = location.hash.split('/');

  function Main() {
    if ((queryParams.length > 1)) {
      if (queryParams[1] == 'reset') {
  Dim queryParams
  queryParams = location.hash.split("/")

  Sub Main()
    If (queryParams.length > 1) Then
      If queryParams[1] = "reset" Then
      End If
    End If
  End Sub
