Google Drive API

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Google Drive lets you store spreadsheets, documents, slides and other documents in the cloud. The files can be access by any desktop or mobile computer with the appropriate sign on credentials.

If you are working on the desktop in a browser, your regular logon will let you access the files. You can also do so from the browser on your device.

Where it gets exciting is that you can read and write the files from within your AppStudio app. For example, you could use a Google Drive Spreadsheet as a database, which would be accessible from both the desktop and your app. If your device is offline, the changes will be made next time it has a chance to sync.

Basic Requirements

1. Apps must run from a server, either Volt or your own. They cannot easily be run locally on your desktop.

2. Security, as you should expect, is good. You can only access files in Google Drive if you have a Google Client ID and your server is registered to that ID. See "Setting up your Credentials".

3. Google Drive requires a library be included in your app. Put this line in extraheaders in Project Properties:

<script src=""></script>

4. If you are accessing spreadsheets, you need a library to convert the incoming data to a format you can use:

<script src=""></script>

Setting up your Credentials

1. Set up new project in the Google API Console.

2. In Overview, enable Drive API

3. Go to Credentials

4. You'll see the question "Where will you be calling the API from?" Answer with "Web Browser (javascript)"

For "What data will you be accessing?", enter "User Data".

5. Click on "What credentials do I need?"

6. For "Authorized JavaScript origins:", enter the name of your server, i.e ""

7. Click on Create client ID

8. On Credentials screen, select Create credentials.

9. Choose API Key

10. Choose Browser key

11. Create. Note: It may take up to 5 minutes for settings to take effect

12. Your credentials screen should now look like this:

Add your credentials to your app

1. Copy credentials: Client ID. It will look something like

Copy this into the CLIENT_ID variable in your Google Drive App.

2. Copy API key. It will look something like AIzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Copy this into the API_KEY variable in your Google Drive App.

Get the File ID of your spreadsheet

1. Run the GoogleDriveAPI app. A permission screen should display, based on the credentials you entered. Click on "Allow".

2. If the Authorize button is enabled, click on it. You are now able to access the Google Drive API.

Getting the list of files on your Google Drive

1. Click on "List Files". The files on your Google Drive will appear, along with their File IDs.

2. Get the FILE_ID for your spreadsheet from the File_Id column. Put that in the top of the app: it is hardcoded in the sample. You're welcome to use better ways to select the FILE_ID in your own app.

Reading and Writing Spreadsheets


Restart the app and click on Get Spreadsheet. The contents of the spreadsheet will appear. The code to do this is

btnGet.onclick = function() {
    getSpreadsheet(FILE_ID, getSpreadsheetCallback);

function getSpreadsheetCallback(results) {
    spreadsheet = results;

Notice that the getSpreadsheet call has a callback function. It may take a few seconds to get the spreadsheet: the callback function is called with the results when they are available.

Here is what shows in the Chrome Console:


You can now modify the spreadsheet in your code. The spreadsheet is stored as 2d array. Here's how to reference it:

spreadsheet[0][0]      - the top left corner
spreadsheet[0][1]      - the top item in second column.
spreadsheet[1][1] = "B2"   - Set the value of row 2, col 2 to "B2"


To write your spreadsheet out, use the saveSpreadsheet function:

btnSave.onclick = function() {
    saveSpreadsheet(spreadsheet, FILE_ID, saveSpreadsheetCallback);

function saveSpreadsheetCallback() {

Once again, there is a callback function once the save is complete.