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The Grid control is used to display data in a table. To add a Grid to your app, choose the Grid icon in the Toolbar. Use the Property Editor to set the properties. It is based on the HTML Table element.

The onclick event can be used to check for clicks. Check to find out which cell was clicked.

The width of the grid is set to the total of the pixel widths of the columns, if supplied. Otherwise, it is full width.

If you set the style of the grid to ‘table-layout:fixed;’ it will force the able to maintain cell widths. If the data is too big, it will overflow to the next cell, as in Excel.

If you change the size of a control with scrolling enabled at runtime (by doing addCols or deleteRows, etc.), you need to recalulate the size of the scrolling area by doing controlname.refresh(). This also applies if you load a new form with a Grid on it. The width may also need to be set. A good place to do this is in the onshow() function of the new form.


To add a control to your app, choose the control’s icon in the Toolbar, then position it on the Design Screen. Use the Property Editor to set the properties you need, then add functions to your code to respond to the events that come from the control: usually, just onclick.

Each cell in the grid has its own id, in the form gridId_x_y. The id of the top left element of Grid1 is Grid1_0_0.

Properties and Methods

Standard properties are supported, plus:

addCols(n) Add n columns to the right of the table. Default is 1.
addRows(n) Adds n rows to the end of the table. Default is 1.
alignments The alignment of the data in each column. Can be left, right, center, justify or char=”.”. Optional. (Design time only)
cell(row, col) Returns a reference to cell x,y.
cellstyle The style of each cell in the grid. Use cell(x,y).style at runtime. Set at Design Time, can be read at runtime.
cols The number of columns in the table. (Design time only)
colwidths The width of each column, in pixels (100px), comma separated. Set at Design Time. At runtime, shows the original setting.
deleteCols(n) Deletes n columns from the right of the table. Default is 1.
deleteRows(n) Delete n rows from the end of the table. Default is 1.
getColCount() Returns the number of columns.
getRowCount() Returns the number of rows.
getValue(row,col) Get the current value of a cell.
rowheights The height of each row, in pixels (20px) or percentages (20%), comma separated. Read only at runtime.
refresh() Recalculate the scrolling area after additions or deletions. Used for scrolling grids only.
rows The number of rows in the table. (Design time only)
scroll_options This control makes use of iScroll. It has a number of options, including:

bounce: true/false. When the end of the scroll area is reached, should the image bounce?

zoom: true/false. Allow two finger zoom in gesture?

The full list of options is documented here:

scrolling Allow choices in the menu to scroll? On or off. (design time)
setColumnWidth(col, width) Sets the width of col to width. Needs to be done to all columns to be effective.
setRowHeight(row, height) Sets the height of row to height.
setValue(row, col, value) Set the value of a cell. Can be string or HTML.
titles The titles for each column, comma separated. Optional. (Design time only)


Grid supports the standard events, plus

onclick Returns the ID of the cell clicked in


Load Grid - BASIC

For row=0 to 3
  For col=0 to 3
Function Button1_onclick()
  MsgBox "Grid(3,3)=" & Grid1.getValue(3,3)
End Function
Function Grid1_onclick(event)
  s=Split(, "_")
  MsgBox "Click on " & s(0) & " at row " & s(1) & " and column " & s(2)
  MsgBox "Value is " & Grid1.getValue(s(1),s(2))
End Function

Load Grid (JavaScript)

for(row=0; row <= 3; row++) {
  for(col=0; col <= 3; col++) {

Button1.onclick = function() {
  alert("Grid[3,3]=" + Grid1.getValue(3,3));

Grid1.onclick = function(event) {
  s=Split(, "_");
  alert("Click on " + s[0] +  " at row " +  s[1] + " and column " +  s[2]);
  alert("Value is " + Grid1.getValue(s[1] ,s[2]));

More complex Grid (Basic)

This sample code will add 100 rows to a grid with 4 columns and it will alternate the row colors.

Grid1.setRowHeight(0, "40px")
 'Add 100 rows with 4 cols to the grid.
 For row=1 To 100
   Grid1.setRowHeight(row, "32px")
   For col=0 To 3
     If col = 0 Then
         Grid1.setValue(row,col,"Row " + row)
     End If
     'Paints each row in alernating color.
     If (Abs(row) % 2) = 1 Then
       Grid1.cell(row,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(255,255,240)
       Grid1.cell(row,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(240,248,255)
     End If

More complex Grid (JavaScript)

This sample code will add 100 rows to a grid with 4 columns and it will alternate the row colors.

  Grid1.setRowHeight(0, "40px");
  //Add 100 rows with 4 cols to the grid.
  for(row=1; row <= 100; row++) {
    Grid1.setRowHeight(row, "32px");
    for(col=0; col <= 3; col++) {
      if(col == 0) {
        Grid1.setValue(row,col,"Row " + row);
      } else {
      //Paints each row in alernating color.
      if((Math.abs(row) % 2) == 1) {
        Grid1.cell(row,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(255,255,240);
      } else {
        Grid1.cell(row,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(240,248,255);

Some more useful code

Setting Grid Font (JavaScript)

$("#Grid1 td").css("font-family", "Courier New") 

Setting Grid Font (BASIC)

For i = 0 To Grid1.children[0].children.length - 1
  For j = 0 To Grid1.children[0].children[i].children.length - 1
    Grid1.children[0].children[i].children[j].style.fontFamily="Courier new"

Center align records in a grid

Function GridCenterAlign(grdName,startCol,endCol)
    Dim grdRows
    grdRows = grdName.getRowCount()
    For i = 1 To grdRows - 1
      For col = startCol To endCol
        grdName.cell(i,col).style.textAlign = "center"
End Function 

Center align records in a grid

Function GridRightAlign(grdName,startCol,endCol)
    Dim grdRows
    grdRows = grdName.getRowCount()
    For i = 1 To grdRows - 1
      For col = startCol To endCol
        grdName.cell(i,col).style.textAlign = "right"
End Function 

Set the height of a grid row

Function SetGridHeight(grdName,grdRowHeight)

 Dim grdRows
 grdRows = grdName.getRowCount()
 For i = 1 To grdRows - 1
   grdName.setRowHeight(i, grdRowHeight)

End Function

=== Make a grid row bold ===
Function BoldGridRow(grdName,rowPos)
  Dim grdCols
  grdCols = grdName.getColCount()
  For i = 0 To grdCols - 1
    grdName.cell(rowPos,i).style.fontWeight = "bold"
End Function 

Draw alternate colors in the grid

Function AlternateGridColor(grdName)
  'Paints Each row in alernating color.
  Dim grdRows, grdCols
  grdRows = grdName.getRowCount()
  grdCols = grdName.getColCount()
  For i = 1 To grdRows - 1
    For col = 0 To grdCols - 1
      If (Abs(i) % 2) = 1 Then
        grdName.cell(i,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(255,255,240)
        grdName.cell(i,col).style.backgroundColor = RGB(240,248,255)
      End If
End Function

Set the color of a cell


Make a row column combination bold

 Grid1.cell(1,0).style.fontWeight = "bold"

Align a row column combination

 Grid1.cell(1,0).style.textAlign = "right"

Put an image in a grid cell

 Grid1.setValue(0,1,"<img src='mario.jpg' id='Grid1_0_1'>")

The 0_1 in the ID should have the same column and row as the first two arguments.

Scroll to the top of the grid (row 1)

 Grid1_ref.scrollTo(0, 0)

Make a grid scrollable horizontally

Add this to scroll_options:

 scrollX: true, freeScroll: true, 

Do the following in Sub Main() or after adding data to the grid:


Hide Grid lines

Add this to cellStyle:


To hide the outside border of a Grid, add this to Style:


Change color of grid lines


Make the grid's columns fixed width with no overflow

Put this into the grid's style property:


Put this into the grid's cellstyle property:


Get Grid's height at runtime

 actualHeight = Grid1_scroller.offsetHeight
 scrollAreaHeight = Grid1.offsetHeight

Get width of a column at runtime

 Grid1.cell(0,1).offsetWidth  'width of column 1

Test to see if a grid cell is empty

Grid cells are initialized with a value of &nbsp; (so they don't collapse). To test for this:

 If GridCart.getValue(n,1) = "&nbsp;" Then 

Get the current scroll position

Grid uses the iScroll library for scrolling. The iScroll functions are in Grid1_ref, where Grid1 is the name of your grid.

 Grid1_ref.x      'current horizontal position
 Grid1_ref.y      'current vertical position
 Grid1_ref.directionX/Y   'last direction (-1 down/right, 0 still, 1 up/left)
 Grid1_ref.currentPage  'current snap point info

Scrolling Events

Grid uses the iScroll library for scrolling. The iScroll functions are in Grid1_ref, where Grid1 is the name of your grid. The following events can be used:

  • beforeScrollStart, executed as soon as user touches the screen but before the scrolling has initiated.
  • scrollCancel, scroll initiated but didn't happen.
  • scrollStart, the scroll started.
  • scroll, the content is scrolling. Available only in scroll-probe.js edition. See onScroll event.
  • scrollEnd, content stopped scrolling.
  • flick, user flicked left/right.
  • zoomStart, user started zooming.
  • zoomEnd, zoom ended.
 Grid1_ref.on('scrollEnd', scrollEnd)
 Function scrollEnd()
   console.log("Scrolling ended")
 End Function
