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Revision as of 16:39, 17 August 2012 by Brendon (talk | contribs)
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The HTMLView control is used to display html formatted text. The view can be scrolled in the window by using a finger.

To add an HTMLView to your app, choose the HTMLView icon in the Toolbar. Use the Property Editor to set the properties. The onclick event can be used to check for clicks.

If you want to have your view scroll, turn scrolling on. After the view has been drawn, you need to set the scroller by doing HTMLview1.refresh(). If you have images you wish to scroll, their height and width need to be specified.

Methods and Properties

Standard properties are supported, plus:

borderStyle The style of the border around the view. Choices are dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset.
innerHTML The initial contents of the control. Almost any valid HTML is allowed, including text markup, images and URL’s.
refresh() Recalculate the size of the scrolling area after area has been updated.
scrolling On/off. Controls whether the contents can be scrolled.
scroll_options This control makes use of iScroll. It has a number of options, including:

bounce: true/false. When the end of the scroll area is reached, should the image bounce?

zoom: true/false. Allow two finger zoom in gesture?

The full list of options is documented here:


HTMLView supports the standard events.


Function Button1_onclick()
  HTMLview1.innerHTML=HTMLview1.innerHTML & "<br>Len is now" & _ Len(HTMLview1.innerHTML)
End Function


(as seen in the image above)