SUM with JqxGrid

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Revision as of 11:16, 24 December 2014 by Kaplanerkan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Settings on JqxGrid == <pre> showstatusbar: True, statusbarheight: 50, editable: True, showaggregates: True, selectionmode: 'singlecell', </pre> == SUB MAIN == <pre> var...")
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Settings on JqxGrid

showstatusbar: True,
statusbarheight: 50,
editable: True,
showaggregates: True,
selectionmode: 'singlecell',


 var source = {localdata: data, datatype: "array", _
      datafields:[{name: "menue", type: "number"}, _
                  {name: "beschreibung",type: "string"}, _
                  {name: "price", type:"number"}, _
                  {name: "total", type:"number"}, _
                  {name: "eksi", type:"string"}, _
                  {name: "anz", type:"number"}, _
                  {name: "arti", type:"string"}, _
    dataAdapter=new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
  Grid1_settings.source = dataAdapter
  Grid1_settings.columns = [ _
    {text:"Menue", datafield:"menue",  width:100, cellsalign:"right",       align: "right" , cellsformat: "n2"}, _
    {text:"Beschreibung", datafield:"beschreibung", width:400,      cellsalign:"left",     align: "left"}, _
    {text:"Preis",  datafield: "price", width:100,      cellsalign:"right",    align: "right", cellsformat: "c2"}, _
    {text:"Total",  datafield: "total", width:100,      cellsalign:"right",    align: "right", cellsformat: "c2", aggregates: ["sum"]}, _
    {text: "-",     datafield: "eksi",  width:100,       cellsalign:"center",  align: "center"}, _
    {text: "Anz",   datafield: "anz",   width:100,       cellsalign:"center",  align: "center" , cellsformat: "n2", aggregates: ["sum"]}, _
    {text: "+",     datafield: "arti",  width:100,       cellsalign:"center",  align: "center"}]
  $("#Grid1 .jqx-widget-content").css("font-size","20px");

== Grid1_oncellclick ==

Function Grid1_oncellclick(event)
  Dim Header , SelectedRow
  Header = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getcolumn", event.args.datafield).text
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex 

  Dim AktAnzahl, nowAnzahl, aktPreis, nowTotalPreis
  Select Case Header
    Case "+"
            dataFromSelectedRow=$("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
            aktPreis = CDbl(dataFromSelectedRow["price"])
            nowAnzahl=AktAnzahl +1
            nowTotalPreis = nowAnzahl * aktPreis
              $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcellvalue", SelectedRow, "anz", nowAnzahl);  
              $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcellvalue", SelectedRow, "total", nowTotalPreis);  
    Case "-"
            dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
            AktAnzahl = CInt(dataFromSelectedRow["anz"])
            nowAnzahl = CInt(AktAnzahl-1)
            If nowAnzahl <= 0 Then
                  nowAnzahl = 0
                  var Id = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowid", SelectedRow);
                  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("deleterow", Id);
                  Exit Function
            End If
             $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcellvalue", SelectedRow, "anz", nowAnzahl);
    Case Else
        console.log("unwichtig ausgewählt") 
        Exit Function
  End Select
