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result = x Eqv y


Eqv returns the logical equivalence of two expressions. result is TRUE, if both expressions x and y evaluate to TRUE or both expressions x and y evaluate to FALSE, otherwise, result is FALSE.

Eqv also does a bitwise comparison of two numeric expressions. Each bit in result is set to 1 if both corresponding bits in x and y are 1 or both corresponding bits in x and y are 0, otherwise it is set to 0.


// Eqv Example
/* Eqv performs logical and bitwise equivalence */

function eqvFunc(a,b) {
  if (a==true && b==true || a==false && b==false) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

var Test1, Test2, Test3, x, y;
x = 4;
y = 9;
Test1 = eqvFunc(x < 0,y < 10);
Test2 = eqvFunc(x > 0,y > 10);
Test3 = eqvFunc(x < 0,y > 10);
NSB.Print("  x < 0 Eqv y < 10 = " + Test1);
NSB.Print("  x > 0 Eqv y > 10 = " + Test2);
NSB.Print("  x < 0 Eqv y > 10 = " + Test3);

Rem Eqv Example
'Eqv performs logical and bitwise equivalence
Dim Test1, Test2, Test3, x, y
x = 4
y = 9
Test1 = x < 0 Eqv y < 10
Test2 = x > 0 Eqv y > 10
Test3 = x < 0 Eqv y > 10
Print "Logical:"
Print "  x < 0 Eqv y < 10 = " & Test1
Print "  x > 0 Eqv y > 10 = " & Test2
Print "  x < 0 Eqv y > 10 = " & Test3


  x < 0 Eqv y < 10 = False
  x > 0 Eqv y > 10 = False
  x < 0 Eqv y > 10 = True

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