// JavaScript
Jumbotron1.onclick = function() {
NSB.MsgBox("You clicked Learn More!");
Jumbotron (Bootstrap)
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A lightweight, flexible component that can optionally extend the entire viewport to showcase key content on your site. It has a header, optional value and optional button.
It can also act as a container for child controls.
Properties and Methods
Standard properties are supported, plus:
appearance | Appearance of the button. Can be success, info, warning, danger. |
badge | Adds a Badge to the button. |
buttonValue | The text of the button. If blank, there is no button. |
ChangeForm | The form to change to if the button is clicked. |
fullWidth | Should control be full width of screen? |
header | The main text. Can be HTML. |
icon | An icon to display on the control. |
position | How will children be positioned? Absolute, fixed, relative or static. |
size | Large, medium, small or xsmall. |
value | The sub text. Leave blank for none. Can be HTML. |
Standard events are supported.
' Basic
Function Jumbotron1_onclick()
MsgBox "You clicked Learn More!"
End Function