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| | | السلام عليكم |
| == Language Reference ==
| | كيف يمكن انشاء اتصال مع سرفر بعيد وجلب بيانات محددة من قاعدة البيانات من جدول واحد او اكثر؟ |
| | |
| [[abs|Abs() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[ajax|Ajax() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[and|And Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[array|Array() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[asc|Asc() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[atn|Atn() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[call|Call() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[changeform|ChangeForm() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[chr|Chr() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[const|Const() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[conversions|Conversions Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[cos|Cos() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[date|Date Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[dateadd|DateAdd() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[datediff|DateDiff() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[datepart|DatePart() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[dateserial|DateSerial() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[datevalue|DateValue() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[day|Day() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[debugger|Debugger Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[dim|Dim() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[do...loop|Do...Loop Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[eqv| Eqv Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[erase|Erase() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[escape|Escape() / unEscape() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[eval|Eval() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[events|Events Control]]
| |
| | |
| [[execute|Execute() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[exit|Exit Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[exp|Exp() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[filter|Filter() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[fix|Fix() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[for...next|For...Next Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[for each...next|For Each...Next Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[Form|Form Control]]
| |
| | |
| [[format|Format() Functions]]
| |
| | |
| [[function|Function() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[getlocale|GetLocale() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[getref|GetRef() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[geturlparameter|GetURLParameter() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[hex|Hex() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[hour|Hour() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[html|Html Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[if...then...else|If...Then...Else Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[imp|Imp() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[inputbox|InputBox() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[instr/instrrev|Instr/InstrRev() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[int|Int() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[is (operator)|Is Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[is (function)|Is() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[javascript...end javascript|Javascript...End Javascript Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[join|Join() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[json.parse|Json.Parse() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[json.stringify|Json.Stringify() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[lbound|Lbound() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[lcase|Lcase() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[left|Left() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[len|Len() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[localstorage|LocalStorage Object]]
| |
| | |
| [[location|Location Object]]
| |
| | |
| [[log|Log() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[log10|Log10() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[ltrim|Ltrim() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[mid|Mid() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[minute|Minute() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[mod|Mod Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[month|Month() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[monthname|MonthName() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[msgbox|MsgBox() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[not|Not Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[now|Now Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[nsbversion|NsbVersion Global]]
| |
| | |
| [[NSB.InputBox|NSB.InputBox() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[nsb.msgbox|Nsb.MsgBox() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[nsb.showprogress|Nsb.ShowProgress() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[oct|Oct() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[or|Or Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[print|Print() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[properties and methods|Properties and Methods Control]]
| |
| | |
| [[readfile|ReadFile() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[redim|Redim() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[rem|Rem() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[replace|Replace() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[rgb|Rgb() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[right|Right() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[rnd|Rnd Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[round|Round() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[rtrim|Rtrim() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[second|Second() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[select case|Select Case() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[sessionstorage|SessionStorage Object]]
| |
| | |
| [[set|Set() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[settimeout|SetTimeOut Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sgn|Sgn() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sin|Sin() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sleep|Sleep Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[sort|Sort() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[space|Space() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[split|Split() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sql|Sql() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[sqlexport|SqlExport() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sqlimport|SqlImport() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[sqlopendatabase|SqlOpenDataBase() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sqr|Sqr() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[strcomp|StrComp() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[string|String() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[strreverse|StrReverse() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[sub|Sub() Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[sysinfo|SysInfo() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[tan|Tan() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[time|Time Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[timeserial|TimeSerial() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[timevalue|TimeValue() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[trim|Trim() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[try...catch|Try...Catch Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[typename|TypeName() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[ubound|Ubound() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[ucase|Ucase() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[vartype|VarType() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[waitcursor|WaitCursor Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[weekday|Weekday() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[weekdayname|WeekdayName() Function]]
| |
| | |
| [[with...end with|With...End With Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[while...wend|While...Wend Statement]]
| |
| | |
| [[xor|Xor Operator]]
| |
| | |
| [[year|Year() Function]]
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| == Controls ==
| |
| | |
| [[adsense|Adsense All]]
| |
| | |
| [[audio|Audio All]]
| |
| | |
| [[button|Button All]]
| |
| | |
| [[buttonbar|ButtonBar iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[checkbox|CheckBox All]]
| |
| | |
| [[combobox|ComboBox iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[date, datetime|Date, DateTime All]]
| |
| | |
| [[facebook|Facebook All]]
| |
| | |
| [[fliptoggle|FlipToggle jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[footerbar|Footerbar jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[grid|Grid All]]
| |
| | |
| [[headerbar|HeaderBar jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[htmlview|HtmlView All]]
| |
| | |
| [[image|Image All]]
| |
| | |
| [[label|Label All]]
| |
| | |
| [[list|List jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[menu|Menu iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[menunumbertitledescarrow|MenuNumberTitleDescArrow iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[menunumbertitletime|MenuNumberTitleTime iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[menutextblock|MenuTextBlock iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[Month (C)|Month All]]
| |
| | |
| [[multiinput|MultiInput iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[navbar|NavBar jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[paypal|Paypal All]]
| |
| | |
| [[PictureBox|PictureBox All]]
| |
| | |
| [[PopUp|PopUp jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[radiobutton|RadioButton All]]
| |
| | |
| [[select|Select jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[slider|Slider All]]
| |
| | |
| [[textarea|TextArea All]]
| |
| | |
| [[textbox|TextBox All]]
| |
| | |
| [[time (C)|Time All]]
| |
| | |
| [[titlebar|TitleBar iWebKit]]
| |
| | |
| [[ToolTip|ToolTip jQuery]]
| |
| | |
| [[twitter|Twitter All]]
| |
| | |
| [[video|Video All]]
| |
| | |
| == Objects ==
| |
| | |
| [[body|body]]
| |
| | |
| [[document|document]]
| |
| | |
| [[element|element]]
| |
| | |
| [[event|event]]
| |
| | |
| [[geolocation|geolocation]]
| |
| | |
| [[navigator|navigator]]
| |
| | |
| [[style|style]]
| |
| | |
| [[window|window]]
| |
| | |
| == Other ==
| |
السلام عليكم
كيف يمكن انشاء اتصال مع سرفر بعيد وجلب بيانات محددة من قاعدة البيانات من جدول واحد او اكثر؟