Input (Bootstrap): Difference between revisions

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| icon || An optional [ icon] to appear at the top of the list. Design Time and Runtime.
| icon || An optional [ icon] to appear at the top of the list. Design Time and Runtime.
| inputType || Specifies what kind of data will be input. Choices are color, date, datetime, email, file (iOS 6+ and Android 4+ only), hidden, month, number, password, range, search, tel, text, time and url. Default is text. IE11 and Firefox do not support the date type.
| max || If inputType is numeric, the maximum allowed value. For date, the latest date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
| max || If inputType is numeric, the maximum allowed value. For date, the latest date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Revision as of 17:55, 22 November 2016


The Input control allows a single line of input text. It has optional headers, footers and other features.

To disable an Input at runtime, do the following:

  Input1_contents.disabled = true

To highlight an Input control with an error (and return it to normal):


To hide and show the Help text:

  $("#Input1 .help-block").addClass("hidden")
  $("#Input1 .help-block").removeClass("hidden")

Popovers and Tooltips are supported.

Properties and Methods

Standard properties are supported, plus:

autocapitalize Automatically capitalize first letter? May not be available on other platforms.
autocomplete Automatically complete words? May not be available on other platforms.
autocorrect Spellcheck as entering? May not be available on other platforms.
badge Adds a Badge to the control. Design Time and Runtime.
files Array of files chosen if inputType is 'file'. Runtime.
focus() Sets the focus to the TextBox. Runtime only.
footer An optional message at the bottom of the list of items. Design Time and Runtime.
header An optional message at the bottom of the list of items. Design Time and Runtime.
icon An optional icon to appear at the top of the list. Design Time and Runtime.
inputType Specifies what kind of data will be input. Choices are color, date, datetime, email, file (iOS 6+ and Android 4+ only), hidden, month, number, password, range, search, tel, text, time and url. Default is text. IE11 and Firefox do not support the date type.
max If inputType is numeric, the maximum allowed value. For date, the latest date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
maxlength Maximum number of input characters. Does not apply to numeric: use max instead.
min If inputType is numeric, the minimum allowed value. For date, the earliest date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
placeholder Text to be displayed in the field just as a comment – does not change the value.
readonly If set to “True”, the control cannot be edited. At runtime, use readOnly.
required If set to “True”, the field requires a value when the form is submitted. Design time only.
setSelectionRange(start, end) Selects a range of characters. The first character starts at 0. Runtime only.
size Size of input text: small or large. Header and footer size is controlled by fontSize. Design time only.
step For numeric inputType: value must be a multiple of step. Use 1 for integer only.
value Gets or sets the value (true or false) of line i. Runtime.


Standard events are supported. For this control, the onfocusout event will be useful. It gets called when the user changes the focus to another field.

Example (Basic)

Call a function when user is done editing field.

Function Input1_onfocusout()
  MsgBox "Value is " & Input1.value
End Function

Example (JavaScript)

Call a function when user is done editing field.

Input1.onfocusout = function() {
    NSB.MsgBox("Value is " + Input1.value);
