For Each...Next
For Each element In group
- [statements]
- [Exit For]
- [Exit For]
- [statements]
- [statements]
Next [element]
For Each...Next repeats a group of statements, once for each element in an array or collection. The required parameter, element, is a variable name that can be used to reference the current element. The required parameter, group, is the name of an array, or collection of objects. The optional component, statements, will be executed as the body of the loop. Any number of optional Exit For statements can be used to exit a loop before it is finished. For Each...Next statements can be nested, and any Exit For statements in a nested loop transfer execution to one level above the loop where the Exit For occurs.
Note: For Each...Next will not work with arrays of user-defined types.
Example (Basic)
Rem For Each...Next Example Dim School School = Array("Principal","Mr. Garrison", "Chef") For Each Employee In School Print "School employee:", Employee Next
Example (JavaScript)
// For Each...Next Example var School; School = new Array("Principal" ,"Mr. Garrison" , "Chef"); for (Employee in School) { NSB.Print("School employee: " + School[Employee]); }
School employee: Principal School employee: Mr. Garrison School employee: Chef