jqxChart is an easy to use chart widget based on the popular jQuery library.
jqxChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently jqxChart supports the following series types:
- column - simple column series
- stackedcolumn - stacked column series
- stackedcolumn100 - percentage stacked columns
- line - simple streight lines connecting the value points
- stackedline - stacked lines
- stackedline100 - percentage stacked lines
- spline - smooth lines connecting the value points
- stackedspline - smooth stacked lines
- stackedspline100 - percentage stacked smooth lines
- area - area connecting the value points with streight lines
- stackedarea- stacked area with streight lines between the points
- stackedline100 - percentage stacked area
- areaspline - smooth area connecting the value points
- stackedareaspline - smooth stacked areas
- stackedareaspline100 - percentage stacked smooth area
- pie - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
- scatter - data is displayed as a collection of points
- bubble - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
Properties and Methods
See the complete documentation at jqWidget's site: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/jqxcalendar/jquery-calendar-getting-started.htm
Example (JavaScript)
function Button1_onclick() { //Render the chart. $("#Chart2").jqxChart(Chart2_settings); } var sampleData = [ { Day:'Monday', Keith:30, Erica:15, George: 25}, { Day:'Tuesday', Keith:25, Erica:25, George: 30}, { Day:'Wednesday', Keith:30, Erica:20, George: 25}, { Day:'Thursday', Keith:35, Erica:25, George: 45}, { Day:'Friday', Keith:20, Erica:20, George: 25}, { Day:'Saturday', Keith:30, Erica:20, George: 30}, { Day:'Sunday', Keith:60, Erica:45, George: 90} ]; Chart2_settings.source = sampleData; Chart2_settings.categoryAxis = { dataField: 'Day', showGridLines: false}; Chart2_settings.seriesGroups = [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 30, seriesGapPercent: 0, valueAxis: { minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10, description: 'Time in minutes' }, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith'}, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica'}, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George'} ] } ]
Example (BASIC)
Dim sampleData, row Function Button1_onclick() 'Render the chart. $("#Chart1").jqxChart(Chart1_settings) End Function Function Form1_onshow() sampleData = [] For i=0 To 6 row=[] row["id"] = "Preise" row["Preis1"] = 25 row["Preis2"] = 30 row["Preis3"] = 35 sampleData[i]= row Next Chart1_settings.source = sampleData Chart1_settings.categoryAxis={dataField:"id", showGridLines:True} Chart1_settings.seriesGroups = [ _ { _ type: "column", _ columnsGapPercent: 30, _ seriesGapPercent: 0, _ valueAxis: _ { _ minValue: 0, _ maxValue: 50, _ unitInterval: 10, _ description: "Preise in Euro(€)" _ }, _ series:[ _ { dataField: "Preis1", displayText: "Preis1"}, _ { dataField: "Preis2", displayText: "Preis2"}, _ { dataField: "Preis3", displayText: "Preis3"} _ ] _ } _ ] End Function