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The jqxCheckBox widget displays a check box that allows the end-user to select a true, false or indeterminate condition.

jqWidgets is a commercial product, which depending on how you use it, requires a license fee. Complete details are on jqWidget's website. The product is well supported.

Properties and Methods

This control is well documented on the jqWidget's website: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/.

Example (Basic)

Dim thisExchange, value

Function xcbNYSE_onclick()
  MsgBox("You chose the New York Stock Exchange!")
End Function

Function xcbNASDAQ_onchange()
  MsgBox("You chose the Nasdaq Stock Exchange!")  
End Function

Function xcbAMEX_onchange()
  value = $("#xcbAMEX").jqxCheckBox("val");
  if value=True Then
    MsgBox("You chose the American Stock Exchange!")  
  End if
End Function

Function Button1_onclick()
End Function


See sample.