Forms act as containers for controls. To go to a new form, use the ChangeForm() function.
To add a Form to your app, choose Add Form from the Project menu at the top of the screen. Forms can be deleted in the Project Explorer.
Scrolling forms are allowed, with a couple of notes. Footerbars won't work (since the bottom needs to scroll up), nor will scrolling controls (which confuse the scroller).
The information on a form can be submitted to a URL by using the Ajax function.
Standard properties are supported, plus:
backgroundColor | backgroundColor. Can be name or RGB value. |
backgroundImage | Will override the background with a pattern or an image. linear-gradient(#55aaee, #003366); or url(; If you are using jQuery Mobile, the best way to control the background color is to use themes. It will work better on PhoneGap Build. |
fullscreen | True/False. If True, the form will automatically fill the entire device screen. The IDE will still use height and width at design time. |
height | The height of the form in pixels. Default is 460. |
left | The left position of the form. Use this for forms that are not full screen. |
locked | If set to true, the controls on the Design Screen cannot be moved |
language | The programming language used in the code for the form. Can be BASIC or JavaScript. |
openMode | Should the form be open at startup? Use this for forms which are to remain open. There is no need to set this for the first form of the project: that is set in Project Properties. |
script | Opens the Code Window for the form. |
scroll_options | iScroll options. See iScroll docs at |
scrolling | Allow scrolling? |
script | Opens the Code Window for the form. |
style | The CSS style for the form. |
setFocusID | The control to get the focus when the form is shown. |
width | The width of the form in pixels. Default is 320. Percents can be set at runtime. |
reset() | Clear all fields on the form. Runtime only. |
Standard events are supported, plus:
onhide() | Called when form hidden as a result of ChangeForm() |
onkeypress(event) | Called when a key is tapped on a form. |
onshow() | Called by firstform and when form is shown as a result of ChangeForm() |
onsubmit() | Called when a form is submitted. |
Example (Basic)
Change color at runtime"red""100%"
To prevent the image from repeating to fill the full window: = "no-repeat"
Set gradient background at runtime:"linear-gradient(#55aaee, #003366)"
Example (JavaScript)"red";"100%";
To prevent the image from repeating to fill the full window: = "no-repeat";