Object.observe(object, function)
Object.observe calls function whenever there is a change to object. Object can be an array, collection, object, class or control.
Example (Basic)
Rem Object.observe Example myArray = [] Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged) myArray[0]=100 myArray[0]=200 Function somethingChanged(changes) ForEach(changes, whatChanged) End Function Function whatChanged(chnge) console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, .oldValue) End Function
Example (JavaScript)
// Object.observe Example myArray = []; Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged); myArray[0]=100; myArray[0]=200; function somethingChanged(changes){ ForEach(changes, whatChanged) } function whatChanged(chnge) { console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, chnge.oldValue)) }
add 0 undefined update length 0 update 0 100