Modal Forms
overlay | "#000" | Overlay color |
opacity | 0.75 | Overlay opacity |
zIndex | 1 | Overlay z-index. |
escapeClose | true | Allows the user to close the modal by pressing `ESC` |
clickClose | true | Allows the user to close the modal by clicking the overlay |
closeText | 'Close' | Text content for the close <a> tag. |
closeClass | Add additional class(es) to the close <a> tag. | |
showClose | true | Shows a (X) icon/link in the top-right corner |
modalClass | "modal" | CSS class added to the element being displayed in the modal. |
spinnerHtml | null | HTML appended to the default spinner during AJAX requests. |
showSpinner | true | Enable/disable the default spinner during AJAX requests. |
fadeDuration | null | Number of milliseconds the fade transition takes (null means no transition) |
fadeDelay | 1.0 // Point during the overlay's fade-in that the modal begins to fade in (.5 = 50%, 1.5 = 150%, etc.) |