Toast (Bootstrap)

From NSB App Studio
Revision as of 20:06, 8 June 2023 by Ghenne (talk | contribs) (→‎Properties and Methods)
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Push notifications to your visitors with a toast, a lightweight and easily customizable alert message.

Toasts are lightweight notifications designed to mimic the push notifications that have been popularized by mobile and desktop operating systems. They’re built with flexbox, so they’re easy to align and position.

Properties and Methods

Standard properties are supported, plus:

animation Should the Toast show and hide with an animation?
autohide Should the Toast close automatically once opened?
delay If autohide, how long should the Toast display?
image Optional. A 16x16 image. src, class, style, height and width can be specified.
subtitle Optional. The text to the right of the title. Class, style and value can be specified.
text Optional. The text under the title. HTML is OK. Class, style and value can be specified.
title Optional. The text to the right of the image. Class, style and value can be specified.
zIndex What level to display this at? Higher puts it on top of other controls. Integer.


Standard events are supported.


// JavaScript
Button1.onclick = function() {

Button3.onclick = function() {
  Toast3_title.innerText = "Custom title";
  Toast3_subtitle.innerText = "Custom Subtitle";
  Toast3_text.innerHTML = "Text <b>can</b> include HTML styling and be <br> more than one line.";

' Basic
Function Button1_onclick()
End Function

Function Button3_onclick()
  Toast3_title.innerText = "Custom title"
  Toast3_subtitle.innerText = "Custom Subtitle"
  Toast3_text.innerHTML = "Text <b>can</b> include HTML styling and be <br> more than one line."
End Function
