Object.observe(object, function)
Object.observe calls function whenever there is a change to object. Object can be an array, collection, object, class or control. This can be very useful in debugging, to watch the value of an object change during runtime.
Example (Basic)
Rem Object.observe Example myArray = [] Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged) myArray[0]=100 myArray[0]=200 Function somethingChanged(changes) ForEach(changes, whatChanged) End Function Function whatChanged(chnge) console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, chnge.oldValue) End Function
Example (JavaScript)
// Object.observe Example myArray = []; Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged); myArray[0]=100; myArray[0]=200; function somethingChanged(changes){ ForEach(changes, whatChanged) } function whatChanged(chnge) { console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, chnge.oldValue)) }
add 0 undefined update length 0 update 0 100