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Object.observe(object, function) Object.unobserve(object)


Object.observe calls function whenever there is a change to object. Object can be an array, collection, object, class or control. This can be very useful in debugging, to watch the value of an object change during runtime. Object.unobserve stops calling function.

Important: This feature is only available in the Chrome browser, either on the desktop or on an Android device.

Example (Basic)

Rem Object.observe Example
myArray = []
Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged)

Function somethingChanged(changes)
  ForEach(changes, whatChanged)
End Function
Function whatChanged(chnge)
  console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, chnge.oldValue)
End Function 

Example (JavaScript)

// Object.observe Example

myArray = [];
Object.observe(myArray, somethingChanged);

function somethingChanged(changes){
  ForEach(changes, whatChanged)
function whatChanged(chnge) {
  console.log(chnge.type, chnge.name, chnge.oldValue))


add 0 undefined
update length 0
update 0 100 

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