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Forms act as containers for controls. To go to a new form, use the ChangeForm() function.

To add a Form to your app, choose Add Form from the Project menu at the top of the screen. Forms can be deleted in the Project Explorer.

Scrolling forms are allowed, with a couple of notes. Footerbars won't work (since the bottom needs to scroll up), nor will scrolling controls (which confuse the scroller).

The information on a form can be submitted to a URL by calling the form.submit() function. The values for all controls on the form which have their Name property defined will be appended to the URL as an HTML query string.


Standard properties are supported, plus:

backgroundImage Will override the background with a pattern or an image.
linear-gradient(#55aaee, #003366);



At runtime, you need to force a redraw:"red""100%"  

To prevent the image from repeating to fill the full window, do this: = "no-repeat"

If you are using jQuery Mobile, the best way to control the background color is to use themes. It will work better on PhoneGap Build.

fullscreen True/False. If True, the form will automatically fill the entire device screen. The IDE will still use height and width at design time.
height The height of the form in pixels. Default is 460.
left The left position of the form. Use this for forms that are not full screen.
locked If set to true, the controls on the Design Screen cannot be moved
language The programming language used in the code for the form. Can be BASIC or JavaScript.
method Get or Post. The method that the http form is sent by.
openMode Should the form be open at startup? Use this for forms which are to remain open. There is no need to set this for the first form of the project: that is set in Project Properties.
script Opens the Code Window for the form.
scroll_options iScroll options. See iScroll docs at
scrolling Allow scrolling?
script Opens the Code Window for the form.
style The CSS style for the form.
setFocusID The control to get the focus when the form is shown.
Url The URL to be called when the form is submitted using the submit() function.
width The width of the form in pixels. Default is 320. Percents can be set at runtime.
reset() Clear all fields on the form. Runtime only.
submit() Submit the data on the form to the specified URL. Runtime only. See Location as well.


Standard events are supported, plus:

onhide() Called when form hidden as a result of ChangeForm()
onkeypress(event) Called when a key is tapped on a form.
onshow() Called by firstform and when form is shown as a result of ChangeForm()
onsubmit() Called when a form is submitted.

Example (Basic)

Function btnSendData_onclick()
End Function

To prevent a form from being submitted when the return key is entered in a field:

Function Form1_onsubmit(e)
End Function

Example (JavaScript)

btnSendData.onclick = function() {

To prevent a form from being submitted when the return key is entered in a field:

Form1.onsubmit = function(e) {

To change the background image on a form:"url("


(Url is called with values in the query string)

Related Items

ChangeForm, GetUrlParameter, Properties