Modal (Bootstrap)

From NSB App Studio
Revision as of 20:21, 5 June 2016 by Ghenne (talk | contribs)
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A Modal control displays a panel of information above your app. It can contain a header, detail or footers. By default, it is hidden, so it cannot be seen in the Design Screen. It needs to opened using


It can also act as a container for child controls.

Properties and Methods

Standard properties are supported, plus:

badge Adds a Badge to the control. Design Time and Runtime.
footer The text on the bottom. Leave blank for none. Design Time and Runtime.
footerAlign Alignment of footer contents. left, center or right. Design time.
header The heading in the control. Leave blank for none. Design Time and Runtime.
size Size of Modal control. small, medium or large.
toggle() Show or hide the Model panel.


value The text in the center of the control. Leave blank for none. Design Time and Runtime.


Standard events are supported.

Example (BASIC)

Function Media1_onclick()
  MsgBox "Media1 clicked!"
End Function

Example (JavaScript)

Media1.onclick = function() {
    NSB.MsgBox("Media1 clicked!");
