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The Grid is a powerful jQuery widget that displays tabular data. It offers rich support for interacting with data, including paging, grouping, sorting, filtering and editing.

jqWidgets is a commercial product, which depending on how you use it, requires a license fee. Complete details are on jqWidget's website. The product is well supported.

Properties and Methods

This control is well documented on the jqWidget's website: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/.


Dim data, source, dataAdapter
data = generatedata(50)     'generatedata is a function which returns grid data
source = {localdata: data, datatype: "array"}
dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source)
Grid1_settings.source = dataAdapter
Grid1_settings.columns = [ _
    { text: "First Name", dataField: "firstname", width: 100 }, _
    { text: "Last Name", dataField: "lastname", width: 100 }, _
    { text: "Product", dataField: "productname", width: 180 }, _
    { text: "Quantity", dataField: "quantity", width: 80, cellsalign: "right" }, _
    { text: "Unit Price", dataField: "price", width: 90, cellsalign: "right", cellsformat: "c2" }, _
    { text: "Total", dataField: "total", cellsalign: "right", minwidth: 100, cellsformat: "c2" } _

Change the font size of a grid

$("#Grid1 .jqx-widget-content").css("font-size","30px");

Add a row

  data={firstname: "Eric", _
        lastname: "Cartman", _
        name: "Eric Cartman", _
        productname: "Double Double", _
        quantity: 1, _
        price: 1.95, _
        total: 1.95 _

Select a row

   $("#Grid1").jqxGrid({selectedrowindex: 3})

Delete SelectedRow

requirement: Grid1 must have selectionmode=singlerow set.

Function Button1_onclick()
  Dim SelectedRowIndex
  SelectedRowIndex = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getselectedrowindex")
  Dim RowsCount 
  RowsCount = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getdatainformation").rowscount
  If (SelectedRowIndex >= 0 && SelectedRowIndex < RowsCount) Then
      Dim Id, Commit
      Id = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowid", SelectedRowIndex)
      Commit = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("deleterow", Id)
    End If
End Function

Respond to a cell getting selected

Function Grid1_oncellselect(event)
   Dim Headername, HeaderIndex
   Headername = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getcolumn", event.args.datafield).text
   Label1.textContent = "Row: " & event.args.rowindex &", Column: " & Headername
   HeaderIndex = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getcolumnindex", Headername )   
   'Result -> Index from Headername
   Label2.textContent = "Header Index: " + HeaderIndex
End Function

Value from Selected Row and Result in JSON Format

Function Grid1_oncellselect(event)
 Dim SelectedRow, dataFromSelectedRow
 SelectedRow =  event.args.rowindex

 // Result in JSON-Format   
 dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["firstname"]
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["lastname"]
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["productname"]
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["quantity"]
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["price"]
 MsgBox dataFromSelectedRow["total"]

End Function

Double Select on Row/Cell

Function Grid2_oncelldoubleclick(event)
Dim SelectedRow
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex 
  dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid2").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
End Function


Grid2.oncelldoubleclick=function(event)  { var savethefunction_rvar="";
 var SelectedRow;
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex;
  dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid2").jqxGrid("getrowdata" , SelectedRow);
End JavaScript


Function Grid2_onrowclick(event)
  Dim SelectedRow
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex 
  dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid2").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
End Function


Grid2.onrowclick=function(event)  { var savethefunction_rvar="";
 var SelectedRow;
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex;
  dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid2").jqxGrid("getrowdata" , SelectedRow);
End JavaScript

Sample Code (Read from XML to JqxGrid)

Dim gedata, source, dataAdapter, row, req, err, data

Function Form1_onshow()

  xmlDatei = "ipadSpeisekarte.xml"
  req = Ajax("http://www.erkankaplan.de/ipad.php/?urlToGet=" & xmlDatei, "", "", xmlLesen)
End Function

Function xmlLesen

  If !req Then Exit Function
  If req.readyState<>4 Then Exit Function 'ignore progress reports
  If req.status<>200 Then 'failure
    Exit Function
  End If
  If Left(req.responseText,5)<>"<?xml" Then
    console.log("XML not received" & req.responseText)
    Exit Function
  End If
  data = $.xml2json(req.responseText)
  Call fillListFirstSpeisekarte
End Function

Function fillListFirstSpeisekarte
   Dim M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13
     For i=0 To UBound(data.row)
        M1 = activity.Menue
        M2 = activity.Scout
        M3 = activity.Text_D 
        M4 = activity.Text_C            
        M5 = activity.Beschreibung_D
        M6 = activity.Beschreibung_C
        M7 = activity.Preis3
        M8 = activity.Sort
        M9 = activity.Gruppe
        M10 = M1 & ".png"
        M11 = activity.WarenGruppe
        M12 = activity.SabuSabu
        M13 = activity.IpadZeitZone
            row["menue"] = M1
            row["textd"] = M3
            row["beschreibung"] = M5
            row["eksi"] = "-"
            row["anz"] = 1
            row["arti"] = "+"
            'row["preis"] = M7
'            row["epreis"] = tmpPreis3; 
'            row["summe"] = tmpSumme;
'            row["status"] = tmpStatus;
'            'row["bild"] = "<img width='50' height='41' src='speisenimg/1.png' >";
'            row["bild"] = "" ;
            gedata[i] = row
    source={localdata: gedata, datatype:"array"};
    dataAdapter=new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
  Grid1_settings.source = dataAdapter
  Grid1_settings.columns = [ _
    { text: "Nummer",           dataField: "menue",     cellsalign: "right",    width: 30 }, _
    { text: "Artikel",          dataField: "textd",     cellsalign: "left",     width: 165 }, _
    { text: "-",                dataField: "eksi",      cellsalign: "center",   width: 70 }, _
    { text: "Anz",              dataField: "anz",       cellsalign: "center",   width: 50, columntype: "textbox" }, _
    { text: "+",                dataField: "arti",      cellsalign: "center",   width: 70 }_

  // Editable or not
  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcolumnproperty", "menue", "editable", False)
  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcolumnproperty", "textd", "editable", False) 
  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcolumnproperty", "eksi", "editable", False)
  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcolumnproperty", "anz", "editable", True)
  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("setcolumnproperty", "arti", "editable", False)
End Function

Function Grid1_oncellselect(event)
  Dim Header , SelectedRow
  Header = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getcolumn", event.args.datafield).text
  Label1.textContent = "Row: " + event.args.rowindex + ", Column: " + Header
  SelectedRow = event.args.rowindex

  If Header = "+" Then
    Label2.textContent= "Plus Cell clicked..."
     'MsgBox ("Row: " + ( event.args.rowindex) + ", Value: " + event.args.value)
  End If

  If Header = "-" Then
    Label2.textContent = "Minus Cell clicked"
  End If
  Rem ColummIndex
  ' var index = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getcolumnindex", "arti")   'Result -> 4  (4. Colummn)

   Dim args 
   args = event.args
   Dim dataFromSelectedRow
   Rem Result is in JSON-Format
   dataFromSelectedRow =  $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("getrowdata", SelectedRow);
    Label3.textContent = "Readed Datas from selected Row : " + dataFromSelectedRow ["menue"] + " / " + dataFromSelectedRow ["textd"] + " / " + dataFromSelectedRow ["eksi"] + " / " + dataFromSelectedRow ["anz"] + " / " + dataFromSelectedRow ["arti"]

End Function


See above.

Export JqxGrid and Parse exported Data

You can export a JqxGrid as Excel, XML, CSV, TSV, HTML, PDF or JSON

$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('exportdata', 'json');


you can export the data to a local variable:

Dim ExportedData
Function Button5_ontouchstart()
  Rem Data in Variable as JSON-Format
  ExportedData = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("exportdata", "json");

  'ExportedData = $("#Grid1").jqxGrid("exportdata", "json", "Filename.json");

End Function
  • exportdata : Modulename
  • json: Export methods ( 'xls', 'xml', 'html', 'json', 'tsv' or 'csv')
  • Filename.json : Filename for exported data

More Information: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/jqxgrid/jquery-grid-api.htm

Parsing the Exported data

Here is the complete code to parse and save into a local variable as an object

Dim ExportedXML
Dim BestellungArray

Function Button5_ontouchstart()
    Dim i
    Rem Grid Data export as JSON
    ExportedXML = JSON.parse($("#Grid1").jqxGrid("exportdata", "json"));

    Rem Save exported Data as Object Variable
    For i=0 To UBound(ExportedXML)
        BestellungArray[i] = {Numarasi: ExportedXML[i].Nu, Artikel: ExportedXML[i].Artikel, Anzahl: ExportedXML[i].Anz }
End Function

Enable / Disable JqxGrid Altrows

Change a Grid to set altrows at runtime. It can also be set at design time.

$('#grid').jqxGrid({ altrows: True}); 
$('#grid').jqxGrid({ altrows: False}); 
