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jqxDocking represents a jQuery widget which allows you to manage multiple windows and even the layout of your web page. Each window in the jqxDocking can be resized, dragged around the Web page, docked into docking zones, removed from the docking, collapsed into a minimized state to hide its content, expanded to display its content or pinned in place. With the jqxDocking API, you can Save or Load the Docking's Layout in JSON.

jqWidgets is a commercial product, which depending on how you use it, requires a license fee. Complete details are on jqWidget's website. The product is well supported.

Properties and Methods

This control is well documented on the jqWidget's website: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/.

columns The number of columns of docked items. Max 4.
cookieOptions Set the cookieOptions property. Example: { domain: 'jqwidgets.com', expires: 90 }
cookies Should the docking layout be saved and kept every time the page is reloaded?
floatingWindowOpacity Sets the opacity of the currently dragged window.
id ID of the control to be dragged.
keyboardNavigation Enable the jqxDocking's keyboard navigation?
mode default: the user can drop every window inside any docking panel or outside the docking panels

docked: the user can drop every window just into the docking panels

floating: the user can drop any window just outside of the docking panels.

ondragend This is triggered when the user finishes dragging any window.
ondragstart This is triggered when the user starts to drag any window.
orientation Sets whether the panels are going to be side by side or below each other.
windowsOffset Sets the offset between the windows.

Example (Basic)

In this example, we have two Window controls. Content1 and Content2 are both forms. We add the forms to the Windows using jqxDocking.

Function Button2_onclick() 
  $("#Docking1").jqxDocking("addWindow", "Window1")
  $("#Docking1").jqxDocking("addWindow", "Window2","",1, 0)
End Function

Example (JavaScript)

Button2.onclick = function() {
    $("#Docking1").jqxDocking("addWindow", "Window1");
    $("#Docking1").jqxDocking("addWindow", "Window2", "", 1, 0);
    return returnValue;


See above.