The Grid is a powerful jQuery widget that displays tabular data. It offers rich support for interacting with data, including paging, grouping, sorting, filtering and editing.
Properties and Methods
See the complete documentation at jqWidget's site: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/jqxgrid/jquery-grid-getting-started.htm
Grid supports the standard events.
For row=0 to 3 For col=0 to 3 Grid1.setValue(row,col,row*col) Next Next Function Button1_onclick() MsgBox "Grid(3,3)=" & Grid1.getValue(3,3) End Function Function Grid1_onclick() s=Split(event.target.id, "_") MsgBox "Click on " & s(0) & " at row " & s(1) & " and column " & s(2) MsgBox "Value is " & Grid1.getValue(s(1),s(2)) End Function