All pages
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- AI Coding Assistant
- A Field Guide to App Studio Controls
- A Simple Program
- A Simple Program - JS
- About Screen
- Abs
- Add AI to your app using ChatGPT
- Adding Two Numbers
- Adding Two Numbers - JS
- Adsense
- Advanced Topics
- Ajax
- Ajax made Simple
- Alert (Bootstrap)
- And
- AppStorage
- AppStudio Course
- AppStudio Documentation
- AppStudio FAQ
- AppStudio Server Debugger
- AppVersion
- App Studio Documentation
- App storage
- Appendix
- Array
- Asc
- Asynchronous Calls
- Atn
- Audio
- Body
- Bootstrap 3 vs Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 5
- Bootstrap 5
- Bootstrap Grids
- Breadcrumbs (Bootstrap)
- BuildCounter
- Build Native App
- Button
- ButtonBar
- Button (Bootstrap)
- Buttonbar
- CSSGrid
- CSSGridItem
- Calculation
- Call
- Camera
- Card (Bootstrap)
- Carousel (Bootstrap)
- ChangeForm
- Changeform
- Changing Themes
- CheckBox
- Checkbox
- Checkbox (Bootstrap)
- Chr
- ClipboardData
- Code Modules
- Code Window
- Collapsible
- ComboBox
- Combobox
- Communicating with a Server
- Communicating with a Server - JS
- Compatibility with other versions of BASIC
- Console.log
- Const
- Container
- Conventions Used in this Handbook
- Conversions
- Converting jQuery Mobile to Bootstrap 4
- Cordova
- Cos
- Current user
- Custom Domains
- Custom Icons
- DataTable (Bootstrap)
- Data Formats
- Date
- Date, DateTime
- Date, datetime
- DateAdd
- DateDiff
- DatePart
- DateSerial
- DateValue
- Dateadd
- Datediff
- Datepart
- Dateserial
- Datetime
- Datevalue
- Day
- Debugger
- Debuggers
- Deploy Bar
- Deploy Options
- Deploying
- Design Screen
- Dim
- Distributing your App
- Do...Loop
- Do...loop
- Document
- Dropdown (Bootstrap)
- EXE.pythonEval
- Education
- ElectronMain.js
- Element
- Emoji
- Emulators and Simulators
- EncodeURI/decodeURI
- EncodeURIComponent/decodeURIComponent
- Eqv
- Erase
- Error handling
- Escape
- Escape/unEscape
- Español
- Eval
- Event
- Events
- Execute
- Exit
- Exp
- Export MySQL to Json
- Expressions and Operators
- FUNCTION and SUB Procedures
- Faq
- FileReader
- Filter
- Find/Replace
- First app
- Fix
- Flexbox
- FlipToggle
- Fliptoggle
- Fliptoggle (Bootstrap)
- Footerbar
- For...Next
- ForEach
- For Each...Next
- For
- Form
- Format
- Formatting Functions
- Framework Converter
- Frameworks
- Function
- Function and SubProcedures
- Function and Sub Procedures
- Fundamentals of BASIC
- Generic
- Geolocation
- GetLocale
- GetRef
- GetURLParameter
- Getlocale
- Getref
- Geturlparameter
- GitHub
- Google Drive API
- Google Maps
- Grid
- GridColumn (Bootstrap)
- GridRow (Bootstrap)
- HTMLView
- Hamburger (Bootstrap)
- Handbook
- Header
- HeaderBar
- Headerbar
- Heading (Bootstrap)
- Hello World - Demonstration
- Hex
- Hide Show animate with Jquery
- Hour
- How to Get Button Pressed Effect on IPad with Stock or Jqwigets buttons.
- How to run fullscreen in an Android Chrome app
- Html
- Htmlview
- IOS7
- IOS and Android
- If...Then...Else
- If...then...else
- Image
- Image (Bootstrap)
- Imp
- IndexOf
- Input-item (Bootstrap 5)
- InputBox
- Input (Bootstrap)
- Input (Bootstrap 5)
- Inputbox
- Instr/InstrRev
- Instr/instrrev
- Int
- Internationalization (i18n)
- Internet Explorer
- Introduction
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Is (function)
- Is (operator)
- JDBC Plugin
- JQueryMobile1.3
- JQuery uLED plugin
- JSON.Parse
- JSON.Stringify
- JSON.parse
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- JavaScript for BASIC Programmers
- Javascript...End Javascript
- Javascript...end javascript
- Join
- JqxButton
- JqxCalendar
- JqxCalender
- JqxChart
- JqxCheckBox
- JqxColorPicker
- JqxComboBox
- JqxDateTimeInput
- JqxDocking
- JqxDragDrop
- JqxDropDownList
- JqxEditor
- JqxGrid
- JqxGrid Server Side Editing / Update using PHP and MySQL (columntype:dropdownlist + using createeditor)
- JqxGrid Settings Manipulation with Grid1 settings
- JqxGrid mit EURO (€) Zeichnen
- JqxInput
- JqxLinearGauge
- JqxListBox
- JqxListMenu
- JqxMaskedInput
- JqxMenu
- JqxNavigationBar
- JqxPasswordInput
- JqxPhotoGallery
- JqxRadialGauge
- JqxRating
- JqxScheduler
- JqxSwitchButton
- JqxTabs
- JqxTree
- JqxValidator
- JqxWindow
- Jqxgrid Select the Last Inserted Row
- Json.parse
- Json.stringify
- Jumbotron (Bootstrap)
- KSA Validation Test
- Kesbath: (Two to) Five Cards
- Kesbath: Higher Lower
- Kesbath: Mini Maths Calc
- Kesbath: Pictureboard
- Kesbath: Press Me!
- Kesbath: Quiz
- Kesbath: Snakes and Ladders
- Kesbath Course
- Keyboard shortcuts
- LBound
- LTrim
- Lab Session: Add Twitter feed to the app
- Lab Session: Create an app with some Controls
- Lab Session: Device features
- Lab Session: Fix a program with syntax errors and make some enhancements
- Lab Session: Hello World
- Lab Session: Multimedia
- Lab Session: Play with Features
- Lab Session: Saving data into SQLite
- Lab Session: Saving data to localStorage
- Lab Session: Screen size and rotation
- Lab Session: Use a library
- Lab Session: Weather Data
- Label
- Label (Bootstrap)
- Language Reference by Type
- Language reference
- Lbound
- Lcase
- Left
- Len
- Libraries
- Line
- List
- Listgroup (Bootstrap)
- LocalStorage
- LocalStorage made Simple
- Localstorage
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- Log in
- Ltrim
- MYSQL 2 JSON with PHP Saved as JSON-File
- Main Page
- Make Native App with VoltBuilder
- Make Windows Executable
- Make Windows Executables
- Making Desktop Apps with App Studio
- Manage apps
- Manage users
- Math
- MediaWiki Tab Extension
- Media (Bootstrap)
- Menu
- MenuNumberTitleDescArrow
- MenuNumberTitleTime
- MenuTextBlock
- Menu Options
- Menunumbertitledescarrow
- Menunumbertitletime
- Menutextblock
- Mid
- Minute
- Mobile Device Features 1
- Mobile Device Features 2
- Mod
- Modal (Bootstrap)
- Modal Forms
- Month
- MonthName
- Month (C)
- Monthname
- MsgBox
- Msgbox
- MultiInput
- MultiMedia
- Multiinput
- Multiple Forms
- Multiple Forms - JS
- NSB.InputBox
- NSB.MsgBox
- NSB.ShowProgress
- NSB.Showprogress
- NSB.Version
- NSB.cacheStatus
- NSB/App Studio FAQ